Separate And Ever Deadly (15.1)

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A/N: Hey, hope you've all had a good week. This is the last of the bulk of sadness I promise. Hints of it next week but in a different way entirely. Really hope you all enjoy, can't wait to see you reactions to this one! I imagine a lot of anger towards a certain someone... x

 ~*~*~*~ February 25th 2014 ~*~*~*~

You had about four days left before you were due to go away with the lads on their tour and you must admit that you were excited. And initially when you got the invitation to Andy's wedding, you were really excited too.

But that was before the accident and before you felt self-conscious all the time. Instead of black, you were in a teal dress today. But you bought it last minute knowing it would cover every square inch of your skin that you didn't want on show.

The sleeves were a little too long for you, but they covered your scarred hand which at least eased that anxiety today. The only skin that you allowed to be on show was your face, neck, and a little bit of cleavage.

You were living a little in your head today, which wasn't really how you wanted to be on your friend's wedding day. You kept a smile on for appearances, but you'd been feeling down and self-conscious for most of the day.

"How are you doing?" Alex asks you, joining you at the bar to get another drink.

You nod, "Okay, thanks."

"You look stunning." He tells you, rubbing your back comfortingly.

You smile, "Thank you." But Alex notes that it doesn't quite reach your eyes.

He'd been trying to cheer you up all day, and he'd spent most of the day by your side. When he was whisked away for pictures, Y/B/F replaced him and he was glad she was there today.

She kept on making a few subtle digs to Alex all day about the Brits and how she was offended that she wasn't asked to attend too, which had made you giggle numerous times. You and Alex had been just the same since the Brits - nothing more had happened between you and nothing more than a few jokes had been made.

Everyone knew that you still weren't in the right frame of mind to even think about seeing anyone other than Matty. You were still so hung up on him, yet so hurt by everything that had happened, that everyone knew that was a no go.

But despite knowing that, you knew you needed to get on with your life. Matty was going on tour and no matter how much you hoped, you didn't know if he would stay single or even entertain the thought of wanting you back.

You just hoped that the 102 necklace that dangled around your neck meant that he still wanted you. Or that is what you would keep telling yourself until you were proven otherwise.

"Would you like to dance with me?" Alex pulls you out of your head halfway into the evening.

"I don't know if I can, Alex," You shake your head, feeling a little self-conscious once more - you didn't even dance at the Brits after party.

You refused when the girls asked you up, not liking the feeling of letting yourself let loose a little. The last thing you needed was to trip in your heels and take yourself back to square one.

"I've got you, Angel. You don't have to worry." Alex assures you, wanting you to feel comfortable.


"We can sit down whenever you want to, okay? We'll just go at your pace." Alex promises, "Have a little fun and we can take it easy when they start with the shitty bassey tunes."

A grin forms on your face when you ask, "Oh, like Do I Wanna Know?"

You can't help but laugh when he gives you a little death glare then. To make it up to him you take his hand and stand up, confirming that you'd dance with him in an, "Okay."

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