The City (3.2)

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Make sure you read 3.1 first x


If one more person mentions the mark on my neck I'm going to come home and strangle you x

You send that text off to Alex with a sigh. Since Adam had pointed out the mark on your neck his mates had started joking about it too, which your Aunt and Uncle then heard and also gave you that annoying knowing look.

But it had just been brought up again because the boys asked if there were any raunchy scenes in the Italian horror film that you were all currently watching. You'd told them that you'd chosen a mild one for them to watch because you don't think you needed to scar poor little George with some raunchy sex scene.

You were watching the 1987 Italian horror Deliria which you had to explain to the boys that in the UK the film's name had been changed to StageFright. They were actually pretty willing to watch it as you'd briefed them a little what it was about.

They asked you how you knew and why you watched Italian horror films instead of normal ones and you explained that in your love for it because you and all your college friends watched them together. This was true, it started when you all had to watch a different mild one in your English lessons.

You, Matt, Alex and your best friend had decided to all go round to Matt's house and watch the film the night before your English exam on the film.

"What? So you watch the raunchy ones with your mates?" Matty asks you, laughing a bit.

Nod with a little smile, "Sometimes."

"Yeah, of course she does, where do you think she got that mark on her neck?" Adam says with a cheeky smile and you immediately wanted to die.

"You're not funny," You tell them as you hide yourself into the sofa a bit more.

That was when you typed out the message to Alex before putting your phone down to concentrate on the film.

This film was a pretty bloody one, there were a lot of people being killed and it was quite suspenseful. And you were glad the boys around you seemed to like it.

You were watching one of the murder scenes when your phone went off again. It was about half an hour later when you got a text back.

You felt your heart skip a beat when the alert came through and a hopeful smile found its way onto your face. You really wanted it to be Alex's reply.

You picked up your phone and you were delighted to see that it was a text back from Alex. You unlocked your phone and went onto your texts.

You click the unread one with Alex's name in bold and your eyes go wide seeing his reply.

Can't promise you I won't like it xx

You felt yourself blush so hard. Your cheeks instantly heated up and you sunk into the settee a bit more trying to contain your squeal and smile.

Never in your life had you reacted like this over a boy texting you. You'd never had a boy flirt with you before either so it was an all round new experience.

You were so excited when the text came through that you didn't notice that the boys in the room took notice of the noise too. You were so wrapped up in your phone that you didn't know Adam watched you open it and saw your reaction to it.

You were only brought out of your little moment of weakness by Adam saying, "Come on then."

You look up at him and note that he was talking to you. You raise your eyebrows trying to urge him to continue.

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