"(Y/n)," Porco says in a soft voice, "ever since your mom's gone, I played that role. And now here's my amazing friend, jumping into the fire. I can't just sit back and watch, can I ? No matter how I think about it, your boss is a definite no. I need to make the man you'll spend the rest of your life with be the one that can make you happy and appreciated."

But the woman only sighs, "It's because you've never met Mr. Ackerman. He has so many good points."

"Uh... Sorry for interrupting you two, but can we grab a bite ? I wanna try auntie (Y/n)'s homemade ice cream."

Both Porco and (Y/n) break their glare at each other before nodding at Falco, "oh sure ! It's about time we eat something fresh anyways. Here, choose any flavor you want, and enjoy this damn relaxing day !" (Y/n) said, stretching her arms as she hands each of the boys some ice creams.

"Do you have tissues or any kind of napkin, (Y/n) ?"

She turns to Porco, who's currently frowning, "yeah, why ?"

"I despise ice cream cones... I mean- I don't like shit dripping down my hands, they end up becoming sticky." He whines, earning a laugh from Falco and (Y/n).

"Well, here you go-"

"Auntie, I thought this place is supposed to be.. quite isolated from the central city ??"

(Y/n) tilts her head, "Yeah...That's true, what's with it ?"

"Look !"

The three turn their heads towards where Falco is pointing at. There's a black Tesla SUV car stopping a few meters from their location. (Y/n)'s ice cream nearly dropped when she saw the person who got out of the car.

Levi fucking Ackerman...

The damn vice president steps out of the car with an unfazed face, carrying a small gift bag in his hand. He then set his eyes at the three and start to walk into their direction.

(Y/n) rises from hear seat on instinct to greet her boss, "Mr. Ackerman. What are you-"

"Pleasure to meet you. The name's Levi. Levi Ackerman."

And that's when Porco crushes the ice cream in his hand. Shits are about to go down for sure when he's pissed. 


"Sir, what are you doing here ?!"

(Y/n) had pulled her boyfriend to another place, a private one, to ask him questions about his sudden arrival. 

"You said you always stay at the same inn every year down the Paradis Island. And that you sprained your ankle playing badminton at a primary school right next to it. So I searched for one that's next to your old primary school and now here I am." He answered bluntly.

"No, I mean-" (Y/n) sighs in annoyance, "Why are you here, when I'm with my family ?"

(Y/n)'s fully aware that neither Porco and Falco are her family. They're not even blood related. But those two are one of the closest people that she could call a family ever since she's living on her own and carrying her father's burdens on her shoulder.

He locks gaze with the woman, "that's why I'm here. They're worried about you seeing me so I came to extinguish those worries. I'll do my best to get your brother's approval."

'Aah.. So he thinks that Porco is my brother. Nice one.'

"Mr. Ackerm-"

"There you are."

Porco struts over to the couple, with Falco trailing behind him, "it can't be that you're here to give her some paperwork and such. I'm not really fond of your presence since you're ruining me and my sister's annual family vacation. So may I ask why you're here, Mr. Ackerman ?" The blonde male gritted his teeth as he looked down on the vice president. Yes. Porco is taller than Levi by 15 cm. But that doesn't make Levi fret at all.

Instead, Levi calmly answers, "I know you're worried about your sister seeing me. There's no need to worry, because I wouldn't even dream about letting my girl into danger."


"Yes." The vice president takes a hold of (Y/n)'s hand and intertwines them with his calloused one.

On the other side, Falco looks at Levi in awe, "Woah.. So you're Mr. Ackerman ?? I've heard a lot about you, sir. And someday I want to be like a hardworking man like you !"

"You've heard about me, kid ?"

"Yes sir ! Mostly from Auntie (Y/n) and Porco here, but yesterday my friend at school told me things about you. Well, she also mentioned that you suck at.. winning a claw prize machine. Gabi said that you're arrogant too."

Veins begin to protrude from Levi's neck, 'that damn insolent brat from the other day huh.. Already talking shit about me.'

(Y/n) facepalmed. Maybe this annual family vacation will be quite.. rocky. (Y/n) might as well prepare herself to witness some unexpected things. It's Levi after all. One moment he's a strict and deadly CEO. In a blink of an eye, he could do things that you would least expect. Yep. He's that kind of a man.

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