Chapter 10

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I would like to personally thank you jyotshna- for your support and commenting on every chapter till now.


Harry's grandmother gave him a necklace with a magic spell that would keep demons away from him. Despite that, the Hazel-eyed stranger visited him once again. Just as he promised.

If the spell didn't work, then maybe he wasn't a demon. 

But… what else could he be? 

Harry would guess a witch, had he not seen him at the party. As a witch, he would not risk coming to a party full of demons. 

One thing Harry was sure of. He was not human. He was far more sinister. The way he crawled into Harry's bed made him shrink and shiver. What would he do to Harry this time?

Harry could feel him looming over him while he pretended to be asleep. Harry tried not to panic, but his heart was beating so fast he had a hard time breathing normally. 

"I know you are awake." The stranger spoke. 

Harry kept his eyes shut. Tonight he would not open them until the stranger disappeared. 

The stranger leaned closer. His soft black hair fell on Harry's face and tickled him. Then Harry felt his icy fingers on his neck. Harry squealed internally but kept it together on the outside. 

It's just a dream. He will disappear soon, Harry chanted inside his head. 

But the stranger went nowhere. Instead, Harry felt his cool fingers get a grip on the necklace around Harry's neck. Then he heard him chuckle. 

"Did you think this would protect you from me?" The stranger asked, amused. 

Harry continued to pretend to sleep, but the stranger wasn't willing to leave. 

"You don't need protection from me. I wouldn't hurt you." He caressed Harry's cheek with the back of his hand. 

"Look at me." The stranger urged softly. 

His words were compelling, somehow taking control over Harry and forcing him to open his eyes. 

No! Why did he open…

The words faded from his mind as soon as Harry saw his face. There was something about his appearance that took Harry's breath away, yet when he woke up he couldn't remember what he looked like. Except for the eyes. 

"Why did you not come to meet me?" He asked. 

"I was afraid." Harry blurted. 

"You don't need to be afraid of me." The stranger traced his fingers along Harry's jawline and down to the curve of his neck. 

His cold touch made Harry shudder, yet his body grew hot. Harry's senses came alive and his scent filled Harry's nostrils. The stranger smelled like wet earth after rain.

Harry inhaled his delicate scent. He loved the rain. The smell of it, the sound of it, and the feel of the cold water dripping on his skin. 

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