Chapter 9

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Harry woke up feeling cold despite being wrapped in his thick, heavy blanket. But it wasn't the weather that was cold.

It was him.

Every time he came, the room would turn cold. Or maybe it wasn't the room but Harry's body that froze.

Sitting up, Harry's eyes searched for him in the darkness, but Harry couldn't find him. Yet Harry knew he was there. Gripping his blanket, Harry held it tightly against his body, as if it would protect him.

"Hello?" Harry's voice trembled. "Are you there?"

Slowly the stranger emerged from the darkness. The sight of him made Harry draw in a sharp breath and want to hide under the bedcovers. He was beautifully terrifying if that made sense.

The stranger took a step toward Harry.

"Don't! Please." Harry shrieked, crawling back in his bed.

"I won't hurt you." The stranger assured.

"What do you want?" It came out as a whisper.

He came closer. "I want you. Come with me."

"Why?" He asked.

"Because we belong together."

"I don't even know you." Harry's heart accelerated with every step he took toward him.

"But you have been looking for me. And if you want to know me, then come to Black rosewood." He said.

"What if I don't want to?" Harry asked, afraid.

In the blink of an eye, he stood right in front of Harry, causing him to squeal in terror. Leaning down, the stranger brought his face close to Harry. Harry held his breath.

"Then I'll come back to convince you." He smirked, leaning even closer.

Harry shut his eyes tightly, praying he would disappear. When Harry opened them again, he was sleeping in his bed. The morning sun shines through the window, lighting up the room.

Harry let out a breath of relief. It was all a bad dream.

But wait! How did he get into his bed? He had been sleeping on the sofa.

Turning to his left, Harry found Zarin sleeping next to him.

What happened last night? Who put him into bed?

"Zarin!" Harry rocked him. "Wake up!"

Slowly, Zarin's eyes fluttered open.

"How did I get here?" Harry asked accusingly.

Zarin rubbed his eyes before looking at Harry."You don't know?"

Harry shook his head.

"Well, I don't either." Zarin smiled tauntingly.

Harry took his pillow and started hitting Zarin with it.

"All right, all right, stop." Zarin held his arms up in defense, but Harry kept hitting him.

On a Journey To Find Love. [Zarry]Where stories live. Discover now