Chapter Thirty-Three

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Katie watched as Walter packed his laptop and various papers into his briefcase. "Mr. Barrington, are you sure it's a good idea to go to the office this morning?"

"I was home all day yesterday. I can't stay home again today. I have responsibilities." Walter said simply. He zipped the bag and started down the hall. Bill stood in the hall, near the sitting room. "Bill, bring the car around."

"I don't know. Officer Jones said it could be dangerous for you to leave the house..." Katie looked to Bill for help. "Tell him."

"She's right Walter. Crazy Naomi is still out there." Bill ushered Walter into the study. "You've seen the videos... what she's capable of..."

"She's unstable." Katie followed the two men into the study. "Violent."

"Yes. I know." Walter seemed calmer and more reasonable than she had expected, given the circumstances. "I'm not afraid."

Katie sighed, exasperated. "You should be frightened. She's a brutal murderer."

"Yes, I know. And she killed my wife." Walter's face looked equal parts sadness and anger. "Part of me hopes she does come after me and I get the chance to face her before the police do. I'll make her pay for what she did to my family!"

"I'm okay with that." Bill nodded. "But let us help you, Walter."

"I called Officer Jones this morning and asked him to come back and meet with us again." Katie said. "I thought we might have some insight the police hadn't explored."

"What insight?" Walter was skeptical.

"He might benefit from knowing some things." Bill nodded his assent to Katie. "From knowing what we know."

Walter paused, looked from Katie to Bill and back again. "What do you know?"

Katie drew a breath and decided to just come out and say it. "Walter, she's a werewolf."

Walter laughed humorlessly. Then he frowned. "Yes. I suppose in a sense, she is. She's a violent lunatic."

"Yes, but she's also a real werewolf." Katie tried to impress upon him the danger. "Like, horror movie werewolf."

"Don't be ridiculous." He rolled his eyes and sighed.

Katie couldn't believe it. "Mr. Barrington, you saw the video. You saw her change into a werewolf before she... before she killed those people."

"Really? A werewolf?" Walter shook his head. "I'm not sure what I saw, beyond the gruesome murders of those people and my Diedre."

"I don't get it, Walter. How can you not believe in werewolves?" Bill threw up his hands. "Your own daughter was abducted by a supernatural vampire."

"Vampire." Walter scoffed. "He was just a deviant punk."

"Who bit Clarissa and drank her blood." Katie finished.

"Sick, deviant punk." Walter frowned. "And the police will catch up with him sooner or later. There's not many places a young man can hide around here."

"I don't believe it." Bill shook his head. "Two days ago, you saw two ghosts fighting it out over your other daughter! And you've got a problem believing there are vampires and werewolves? Let us help you, Walter."

"I don't know what it is you expect to do." Walter said. Then he shrugged and crossed the room to sit in an armchair. "But I suppose I can just wait here for Marcus Jones, if you're both so set on it."

"Thank you, Walter." Bill said.

Suddenly, the window exploded in a spray of glass and fur. Bill threw himself in front of Katie to shield her and Walter jumped up from the chair. In the center of the room a large, grey wolf turned toward them and bared its teeth in a growl. Its amber eyes nearly glowed with menace.

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