Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Bill pulled the sedan over and parked in a spot downtown, near the Barrington Inn Corporate Offices. Clarissa, Blake, and Delia piled out of the car and onto the sidewalk. Katie turned to Bill before opening the passenger side door. "Did you... do the thing... last night?"

"I think so." Bill nodded, but he didn't look very sure.

"What do you mean, you think so?" Katie raised her eyebrows. "It's a yes or no question."

"I dug her up and salted her." He lowered his voice, even though they were the only ones in the car. "But I had a harder time burning bones than those brothers ever had. I had to get some gasoline from the garage. And even then, there was just not much to fuel the flames. It kept going out."

"Did you burn them, though?" Katie lowered her, too. "You got it done, right?"

"Yeah. I think so." Bill nodded, then shrugged. "I burned them. I mean, they didn't burn to ash or anything, so hopefully that counts..."

"Hopefully." Katie wasn't sure, either. But she was suddenly aware of Blake, pretending to kiss someone, much to the amusement of the others. "I've got to go. Maybe you should try to burn them some more. We're going to be gone for a while and Walter's at work."

"I need to take this time to find Davicus' lair, while it's daytime. Clarissa met him downtown, someone around here is going to know where he lived." Bill shook his head. "We need to find something to get Marcus Jones off Walter, right now."

"Oh, Miss Gallagher. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss." Blake was saying. "Even though I'm old and gross, I love you so much. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss."

Bill frowned at the boy. He told Katie, "I'll be back here later to pick you up."

Katie opened the door and stepped out. She raised her voice to its normal level. "Thanks for the ride, Bill! See you at three."

Blake laughed and called after the car. "Bye, Bill! I'll miss you so much. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss."

"Okay guys. That's enough." Katie rounded them up. "We've got to hit the shoe store first, then the office supply store..."

Delia interrupted. "And then ice cream, right?"

Katie laughed. "Yes. We should have just enough time to get ice cream before we have to go home."

"Yes!" Blake pumped his fist. "I'm gonna eat ice cream until I puke!"

"Gross." Clarissa laughed. She looked over her shoulder. "Walter's office is just across the street. Maybe we should see if he wants to get ice cream with us?"

"Daddy!" Delia jumped up and down. "Yes! Let's go get him!"

"Okay. Settle down. We've got to run our errands first." Katie laughed. "But, yes. That's a terrific idea. I'm sure he'd love to join us."

"Ice cream first!" Blake was practically vibrating with anticipation.

"Shoes first." Katie was firm. "I can practically see your feet growing, as we speak."

"Boo." Delia pouted. "Why do I have to go to get Blake's shoes?"

"Because you're too little to be at home by yourself." Clarissa tugged at her sister's ponytail playfully.

"Ow." Delia swatted at her sister's hand. "Blake, why don't you try not growing so much?"

Blake snorted. "Why don't you try not whining so much?"

"That's enough." Katie led them down the street toward the shoe store. "Why don't you all try getting along?"

"Why don't you try not being so in love with Bill?" Blake said under his breath. The other two burst into laughter.

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