Chapter Twelve

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The afternoon was sunny and unseasonably warm. The children were restless at their studies, so Katie decided to make the day a field trip of sorts. Besides, she was also having trouble focusing on schoolwork. She was still disturbed by the emotional turmoil Walter and Bill were each experiencing. Better to give everyone a break, including her. As soon as they were outside, however, Delia ran off in one direction and Blake in the other.

"Delia, stay where I can see you, please!" Katie called after them both. "Blake, stay close, please."

Clarissa shivered in her denim jacket. She was looking even paler than before and there were dark smudges beneath both eyes. She was taking great pains to appear bored. "Tell me again why we're out here?"

"I thought getting out would be good for everyone. We can enjoy the weather, get a little sun..." Katie laughed and nudged her. "Tell me you don't enjoy a little fresh air."

Clarissa shrugged and forced herself to scowl. "Whatever."

"Come one, Clarissa. It's a beautiful day. You should try and have fun." Katie playfully tugged at the arm of the girl's jacket. "Blake and Delia are having fun."

Clarissa smiled sarcastically. "Are they?"

Katie looked around. Sure enough, both younger children had disappeared. She scanned the mostly bare trees of the woods but saw no sign of either. "Blake? Delia?"

Clarissa laughed.

Just then, Blake burst through a bushy area near the gardens. "Yeah?"

"I told you to stay close." Katie reminded him, relieved.

He shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets. "Okay."

"Where's Delia? Is she with you?" Katie looked around. The image of the pond sprang to her mind and she could practically hear Bill's Grandpa's warning in her mind.

"No. I don't know where she is." Blake cupped his hand around his mouth and called loudly, "Deeeeeeelia!"

"How could she disappear so quickly?" Katie frowned. She began walking quickly toward the pond. "Do either of you know where she would have gone?"

Blake shrugged, unconcerned. "I don't know."

"Isn't it your job to watch us?" Clarissa laughed, genuinely amused by the situation. "Like, your only job?"

Katie frowned. She should have been watching Delia more carefully. Delia is a small child. There are plenty of things in the outdoors that would harm a small child. And then, of course, there was the pond, which—according to Grandpa Bob—had already taken so many other children. Katie broke into a run in that direction.

"Stop!" Clarissa laughed, extremely entertained by Katie's frustration and fear. "I know where she is. Follow me."

"What?" Katie panted both with exertion and fear. She ran back to where Clarissa stood, grinning like a Cheshire Cat with her secret knowledge. "Where?"

She led Katie and Blake around the other side of the house and down the hill to the family cemetery. Clarissa pointed. Delia was among the old headstones, singing and talking animatedly. "See?"

"Delia!" Katie rushed down to the graveyard, relief flooding her whole body. "I asked you not to run off! I was worried!"

"Sorry, Miss Gallagher." Delia patted the headstone she stood next to. "Arabella wanted to tell me something."

Blake laughed. He kicked a small hillock, causing dirt and grass to fly out in front of him. "Arabella Smarabella!"

Delia pouted and leaned toward the headstone protectively. "Blake Flake!"

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