Mother what the hell

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Arthur: mother what the hell  you hired the same vampire Hunter that killed a father and he's going to kill my fiancé are you for real mother I can't believe this is the worst thing you have done Carmelita says to her son I know it's the stupidest thing I've done and I'm sorry I'll make it up to you somehow and her but right now arguing with me about it the more we talk the more possible it can be that you won't save her and I'm so sorry to do whatever I can to make it up to you both but right now I can sense that she's really terrified right now and she hasn't moved and her father is pretty much dead back at Sarah's house Sara why do you run told you to her father says to her she says to him I'm so sorry dad I'm just so scared I know you are he says to her but trying to be brave at this moment all right she nods her head and tries to run but she is still a little stand vampire Hunter said to her you know just to let you know since you are going to die I was hired by almost mother-in-law to kill you but I didn't really wanna kill your parents they just got in the way no you're too stubborn to do anything but then went sorry young one Time to die just at the right time her mother sees her Sarah you stubborn but why did you run your almost out the door young pup oh sorry to say that but you just need to leave you to have your whole life ahead of you land in her daughter's arms coughs up blood and Sarah just start starts to cry the vampire hunters being nice and letting them see what they have to yeah he may be an ass but he's not completely an ass at least wants them to get their last goodbyes because he has had himself, stupid idiot, he brought the young one with him to  Sarah's mother says to her well I would love to see my grandkids and your father what month are walking down the aisle and now that good stuff end did  get grandkids after that and you know but I don't think that's gonna be a thing now bye-bye my sweetheart mother no just now please stay with  sorry kid that's what she said with her last breath and Sarah is still to stand the move back back at the Cromwell mansion Carmelita says to her son go to her now she need you now stop glaring at me I know I made a stupid mistake I will try to make it up to both of you she can stay mad at me if she wants but I know you're gonna get over it eventually so please go mother we will discuss this later arthur says to her and your rent if I don't go now I will lose her and I don't wanna lose her to you like I did with father I am not letting this happen back at Sarah's house well vampire Hunter says to her time to do when I was hired to do sorry to say this kid but Time to die it sucks to be you because so many things you haven't. Yet huh oh wow now it's time to die I don't think so Arthur shows up just at the right time I don't think you yeah I want to live any longer you don't get it to take any more any more that the last thing you get to now this is all for my father the wolves and now it's personnel when you come after my fiancé now you die instead Arthur is in full-fledged vampire pissed off mode and rips his head off clean office tosses his head to the floor pitiful then why are you looking at kid get lost then again guessing that's your father sound like you  I'm sorry but I don't tend on showing anybody mercy but the young kid I will well but I won't feel sorry for you a good day then come on Sarah give your parents a proper burial and if you want to you can you can chill out my mother right now I think you're too stubborn to say or do anything so I'm guessing you wouldn't mind staying at my place till you go find a place your own then again it doesn't matter you're going to be married to me someday anyway well shall we go home Sarah still hasn't said anything traumatize about what just happened well we are here and mother fuck you if she can speak she would be getting after you by now but she's not in the best condition so thank you for traumatizing my fiancé mother Carmelita says to him I'm so sorry I don't know why I was thinking maybe I just thought I was doing the best for you and the family bloodline but no I think your happiness is more important to me I will take a really long time for you to forgive me and she'll never forgive me I can live with that maybe eventually someday we will get along I'm not real sure what to say now do you think she can hear me she says to her son I don't know try saying something so she does try to say something to Sarah sorry about what happened to you dear this is all my fault I'm so sorry Sarah finally snapped out of it and says to Carmelita I will never forgive you for this but thank you for your apology but maybe someday I will but right now with her voice shaking in anger I am not going to not sure about sometime in the future now I'm really upset at you what about you get on my site please Carmelita says to her Yep I expected that much i'll make it up to both of you somehow even if you don't want me to Sarah I totally understand good night good night mother Arthur says to her Sarah grumbles and says and says good night just shows that she's a better person

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