Chapter 17: Ghost Of The Past

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I was walking in our house's hallway. I was pointlessly scrolling on my Instagram while walking. I started to walk on the stairs, when I was in the middle of walking on the stairs, I accidentally crossed my feet.


It was all white and I don't know what happened.

When I woke up, I saw my sister beside me and my idiot brother was looking at me and said he said

"#instagramvsreality... well Abby you should have stepped aside from your phone for a while, while you were walking especially while you are on the stairs!" I sighed and looked at the bandage on my foot and it really hurts!!!!

The doctor came into our room. He started talking with a very very very familiar deep voice. I think it was something that I think I heard before "umm... so here, Ummm.... miss Riley Rowland here is the bill..." I changed my name so people and fans won't know what happened to me. But when the doctor took the clipboard out of his face, (it was covering his face the whole time!) I asked myself out loud "Chris?!?!?!?" He looked at me and he was obviously confused "Abby? Your name is Riley Rowland now?" Well I was a little bit nervous but I said " oh, Ummm..... I just changed my name because you know....." he laughed a bit and said " yeah I know" my sister was just looking at him. Same as my brother "well see you around?" Yas! Of course! "Yeah yeah ok!" I smiled. Nothing changed about him. He still looks good and he still looks so stunning!

"Here's the bill." I gave it to Carson and he asked me "what do you want me to do with that?" oh boy! Here's the dumb side of my brother again!!! "well do you want to eat it?" He grabbed my hair it was sooooo painful! "Ouch stop! Just pay at the cashier!!!" He nodded his head "with my money?"

I replied "no with mine get in my bag" when he walked out of the room to pay, me and Jeannie started talking about Chris.

She said "oh wow!" I looked at her with a confused face. And I was obviously confused. She continued, I have no idea that he is a doctor." Well when he was my boy he used to say that he always wanted to build his hospital. But instead of saying that, I said "me neither" I know Jeannie will just ask me millions of questions about it! So there is no way that I will tell her that!


While I was watching TV, I was eating ice cream. I just got discharged from the hospital last week so here I am, learned my lesson!!!!

While eating and watching, my phone vibrated a lot from my pocket! It was weird. It was a call from an unknown number. But I answered it. First of all, I cleared my voice because it might be someone that is important "hello! Francine Abigail peters speaking, how can I help you today?" I know it is weird but I just followed what's on the TV. "Hey, it's me Chris" oh it was just him. I was wondering if this is his free time but never mind! Who cares? I started talking "hey Nich What's up?"

"I'm good, you, how are you?"


It was really weird to just laugh in a phone call. We were just both laughing and there was nothing but our laughter.

"So what are you doing I mean are you busy?" He was a little speechless. But he started the conversation maybe because he is a little bit feeling weird with all of our laughter.

"Ummm... nothing just watching too and eating ice cream and just laying on my sofa. You?"

I sighed while he said "Ummm... well I'm at work today, just eating for the break time"

"Oh yeah I see"

"So Ummm... I see you are getting popular now, achieving your dreams?"

"Yeah" I laughed and continued talking "Ummm... you? Achieving your dreams?" He laughed and said, "Yeah, well I just want to congratulate you...."

"Thank you"

"I'm so proud of you Abby" well I felt that! Though I know he was so proud of me back when I was his girl.

"Thanks, same to you"

There was complete silence in between us.

"So how are you since our breakup?" I asked him.

"Well I was pretty fine" good for him he didn't know that I was dramatic as a drama queen that time.


"Well I cried and cried and cried"

He answered with a sad and guilty voice "sorry"

I replied while I was thinking of his face "that's ok, past is past and you can never change it" he didn't answer in a while.

"Umm... Abby, I think I got to go now break time is over in 2 minutes so...."

I replied, "oh just go it's ok bye!"

He replied "bye"

I said again "bye"

He said the same word again "bye"

It was nice to talk to Chris again. But our relationship was like 6 years ago so to be honest, when I talked to him, I felt nothing though I was a little nervous. This is the first time in 6 years that we talked.

He texted me "hello!😊" it was cringing because I didn't recognize his number but I checked our most recent call communication so I knew it was him. I replied, "hello what's up?" And I named his number and set his nickname to 'Chris'. He replied "I'm good :) you?" It took me a minute before I replied because I was brushing my teeth "I'm good too!" He sent a smiling emoji. He said, "by the way, are you free tonight?" I was but I said the opposite of what I was supposed to say "well, I think I need to write a song tonight hahaha I'm a night owl :)"

"Ok! :)"

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