Chapter 13: Rodeo Pt.2

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I watched a few girls run the pole pattern. All their runs were perfect except one girl that knocked down the second from the end pole which is a common one to knock. She was disqualified but my heart hurt for her horse when she started yanking on him and cussing him. It wasn't his fault she pulled him to far and that's why it knocked over.
I was in the waiting pen with a few other girls. Some sat on their horses and watched without them walking, some walked, but I worked on my perfect circles and figure 8s to prepare my boy a bit.
"Next up we have Ashley Snow. Alexandria Crown you're on deck so be thinkin about it." The judge announced and a few seconds later a black haired girl on a black horse went thundering into the arena. Her first turn was perfect then her weaving was perfect. By the time she got to the end pole, her run was perfect. She turned the pole and kicked her horse out of the arena.
     "Great run with an 18.23. That is our current first place. Next up is Alexandria Crown. Come on in here cowgirl." The judge's voice rang over the intercom and I used one hand on the reigns to walk Apache to the opening of the arena.
"You and me bubba." I whispered to him after stopping him at the arena opening to pet him and reassure him. He gave of a soft nicker and nodded his head out saying he was ready.
"Okay bubba. Git!" I shouted and clicked my heals to him. I leaned forward so the wind wouldn't fight me and he could soar which is exactly what he did.
The end pole came up faster than I expected but we were ready.
I hollered "hup." Before sitting back, grabbing my saddle horn, and pulling to my hip.
The second his turn was complete is when I grabbed the reigns in both hands and lay them over his neck turning into each turn.
We repeated the process on the way up before turning the end pole and I leaned forward kissing to him but not bothering to kick.
As soon as we hit the timers, I sat back and yelled "woah." Which he responded to and slowed to a slow lope, then trot, then to a prance, and finally a walk. We were both breathing heavy but I walked him off even tho I was shaking so hard.
They say 'leave it outside the arena' so you're horse doesn't feel your stress and your problems while you are in the arena working but when I get out I seem to suck all that stress and those problems back up.
"Miss Crown comes out with an 18.22. Barely beating Miss snow but Miss Crown now holds first place. Amazing run!" The judge shouts and I smile wide and proud patting Apaches neck which he snorts softly at.
     I walk him out, both of us panting from adrenaline, then tie him to the trailer with water and loosen his cinch.
     "Nice run!" Jill shouted and threw her arms around me when I walked back to the stands
     "Thanks. I feel like I can't breath my adrenaline is so high." I smiled and hugged her back.
Author's Note: sorry for the late publish and that the chapter is small. I've lost a close family member and needed some time. I'm back and I'll try and update at least once a

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