Chapter 10: New Arrivals

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I woke up to Sammy hitting his head on the door frame and I snorted. That woke me up pretty well.
"Mornin sleepin beauty." He smiled embarrassed while rubbing his head.
"Mornin cowboy." I grinned and climbed off the bed making sure to roll over on Xander who slept beside me.
"Horses are taken care of and it's 6:15. I figured I'd let you sleep in a bit. We got 45 minutes before we're supposed to meet those girls for breakfast. I unhooked the trailer from the truck so we can follow them instead of riding with them in case there is no room since they said more people are gonna come." Sammy smiled proudly and it warmed my heart. He was trying so hard and I felt bad because my feelings never changed.
"Thank you so much. You didn't have to do that." I wrapped my arms around his neck in a hug which he returned.
"I know but I wanted to. You've been stressed out and I didn't want anything else to stress you. Now go get a shower and get ready. Leave Xander to me." He grinned and pretended to roll up his sleeves even tho he was already in a tee shirt.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag dragging it into the bathroom with me. I laid out a turquoise blessed girl shirt out along with a pair of dark boot cut jeans with rips down the sides (bought them that way because I liked how it looked). I also grabbed my white fleece rodeo hat with turquoise beaded decor around it and my belt with a buckle I won at a Church barrel run. I placed 1st in the 1D and was super proud.
After my clothes were laid out, I grabbed a pink fluffy towel from the cabinet and laid it on the bathroom sink.
The water had to be hot before I stepped in and began lathering my hair in a coconut shampoo and my body in a coconut body wash.
As soon as I finished cleaning my skin, I ran the razor over my legs then turned the water cold to close my pores.
My shower was relaxing and as much as I would love to stay, I had to get out because I was on a time frame. I wrapped the towel around my body after toweling off my hair then I quickly went to work blow drying my hair.
I knew I wouldn't be able to get it completely dry but if I got it started a good bit then I wouldn't have to wait forever for it to dry.
I heard a high pitched scream and a thud so I quickly set my hair dryer down. After I made sure my towel was tight, I opened the bathroom door and stepped out to see what was wrong.
My eyes first saw Xander laying on the floor moaning in exaggerated pain the I saw Sammy leaning over the bed that he pushed my older brother off of. I sucked my cheeks in and glared disappointed with these boys.
"Ew sis put clothes on." Xander fake gaged and sat up. This is when I remembered I only had my towel wrapped around me. Sammy glanced up at me and his cheeks flushed red and he quickly looked away. His reaction made my face turn red and I quickly spun around and dashed back into the bathroom.
"Sorry I thought someone was actually hurt!" I shouted and slammed the bathroom door shut.
"I was actually hurt you bully!" Xander shouted like a 5 year old.
Once I closed the door, I leaned against it with my hand on my chest to calm my heart from my embarrassment.
I typically wouldn't get so embarrassed but Sammy's face made me feel guilty knowing he likes me and I still walked out in just a towel. My guilt made me embarrassed so I massaged my temples to help release some tension before I went back to drying my hair and getting ready.
     After my hair was brushed and mostly dry, I got dressed and walked out. The boys were no where to be seen so I slipped my boots on and ducked out the door. They weren't around my trailer either so I decided to walk to the arena to try and find them.
     "Bingo." I muttered to myself when I saw them leaned up on the fence talking to a small group of people including Jill and Viv.
     "Hey look who made it!" Viv shouts and everyone turned their attention to me causing my cheeks to warm up due to the excess attention.
     "Hi." I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck. She was an inch or two taller than me where Jill was an inch or two shorter than me and I was a short height of 5'3.
"Glad you made it." Jill smiled and hugged me after her sister.
"Glad I was invited. I see you've met my brother Xander." I smiled and shoved into him and he put his arm on my head using me as an arm rest until I elbowed him in the ribs.
"Ouch feisty as always I see sis." My brother chuckled clutching his side in his right hand and still kept his left arm on my head.
"Always. You may be bigger than me but I'm smaller than you I'll beat you up!" I said defensively and kicked his boot with mine which didn't even make his budge.
A guy from the group who looked a bit younger than me snorted before coughing to hide it.
"Shut up Aiden." Viv glared playfully to the guy who snorted.
"What she's cute and feisty. Don't hold that against me will ya?" The guy named Aiden grinned with his perfectly straight and white teeth while running a hand through his curly black  hair and winked at me with his dark brown eyes.
My cheeks couldn't help but heat up again at the compliment and attention from another guy.
"Don't mind him he just wants to smash. Most bull riders only wanna get in your pants." Jill smiled at me before punching Aiden in the arm.
"Yeah he's just an F-boy but he's a good friend after you establish boundaries." Viv leaned on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered something in her ear making her gasp and shove him.
"What I know what I want and I would definitely want to spend the night with you." He grinned again and winked.
Some guy slapped him in the back of the head and said "back off you dog."
"What she might want me. Ain't that right sweetheart?" Aiden bit his lip suggestively and I rolled my eyes.
"Sor-" I started to speak but Sammy stepped in front of me protectively and interrupted me.
"Sorry champ. Not gonna happen." He said firmly making me smile.
"Sorry I didn't know she had a boyfriend to protect 'er." Aiden put his hands up defensively
"No I'm just a friend who cares." Sammy stood on the other side of me and used me as an arm rest as well making me sigh.
"Oh so you're not taken? You'll come 'round." Aiden grinned.
"Don't put money on it cowboy." I smiled and tipped my hat to him. "Now let's get food!" I grinned and rubbed my hands together.
"One track mind." Xander smiles and swaps hats with me giving me is black one that was 2 sizes too big. "Woah you got a small head." He chuckled swapping the hats again.
I rolled my eyes and put the hat back in place.
"Alright but let's introduce you to everyone first." Jill clapped her hands together excitedly.
"Alright you've already met Aiden. Now everyone else, chop chop introductions please." Viv clapped her hands like her sister and smiled.
"I'm Angie Lock. 17. Barrel Racer and team roping partner slash sister to Charles Lock." A beautiful blonde said and smiled. Her sun kissed skin brought out her ocean colored eyes and I smiled back and nodded in acknowledgment and showing respect.
"I'm Charles Lock. 17. Team roper and twin to Angie and Bronc rider along with bull dogging." A handsome young man said and tipped his hat. He looked like the male version of Angie. I nodded to him as well.
"I'm Lane Blackwood. 18. Saddle broncs, calf roper, and bull dogger." The dark brown haired guy with caramel ends tipped his hat to me and I nodded with a smile. He had beautiful blue eyes and I was slightly jealous.
"Aiden obviously. 16. Bull rider and calf roper. Also single." He winked and I rolled my eyes but still smiled.
"I'm Sam. 17. Bull rider only." Sammy looked down at me and smiled.
"Xander. 17. Bull rider, bronc rider, team roper, and calf tying.
"I'm Alexandria. 17. Barrel racer, pole bending, team roping with my brother Xander, break away roping, calf roping, and sometimes broncs. If I had not broken my ribs I'd be doing it here." I introduced myself.
"How'd you break your ribs?" Jill asked with concern.
"Car accident a few weeks ago. I'm good to ride just nothing to re break them until I'm fully healed. Now less talkin more gettin food." I shoved off my brother.
"Okay who's riding with me and Jill?" Viv asked.
"I can take 2 people as long as one isn't named Aiden." I laughed.
The twins Angie and Charles decided to ride with me and the others with Jill and Viv.
I followed the girls while they drove somewhere for breakfast.

For the love of RodeoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant