Done Running (Part 18) | "What the fuck does that mean, Brody?"

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

AJ: It was awesome.

Clementine: Look, I don’t know if he got out of there, but if he did, he won’t make it for long.

But Brody wasn’t listening, she was deaf to all explanations and she began her outburst.

Brody: You attacked him!? What the fuck!? If he survived, you know he’s coming back for revenge. What the hell were you thinking? This is fucked. How could you be so stupid!?

She then changed her head to me, stepping forwards aggressively.

Brody: And you! You know we’re not supposed to go past the safe zone! You made that fucking rule with Marlon, you… you hypocrite!

Y/n: Brody, calm down! I just did what I thought was right, and it seems like I made the right call. We have food now!

Brody: That’s not the point! You fucked up! And now we’re all going to pay for your stupid mistake!

Y/n: Brody, just calm the fuck down! 

She did, taking in deep breaths, but only got more anxious instead of angry.

Brody: I just can’t… I won’t… just not again… fuck!

Y/n: What the fuck does that mean, Brody?

Marlon finally came over, apparently only just hearing the commotion.

Marlon: What the hell’s going on here?

Brody: Y/n and Clementine, they took them outside the safe zone… They SAW someone! You know what that means!

The blonde boy looked from the crowd of children to Brody, face growing fearful.

Marlon: ENOUGH! It just means there’s a hungry guy out there looking for food. It’s happened before. You are overreacting.

Brody: You can’t be serious!

Marlon grabbed the girl’s arm, making me start a little.

Y/n: Marlon, let her go, man.

He didn’t listen to me, carrying on his harsh grip on her.

Marlon: Come on, let’s go somewhere and talk about this.

The girl paused for a second before pushing him to the ground.

Brody: If ANYTHING happens… I’m holding YOU TWO responsible!

She pointed to me and Clementine before storming off. I walked over to Marlon, reaching out to help him up from the ground. The boy looked to Clementine, sighing slightly.

Marlon: Clem, I know I asked you for help… And you did. You did. But… shit. God. Nothing’s easy.

Clementine: It was risky, but it was worth it. Like you said… We can’t lose another kid.

Marlon: Yeah. Yeah, I did say that. Well… at least we’re eating tonight. And for the next few, I’d wager. Um, I’ll go talk to Brody. Thanks for the haul, Clem. You guys should go enjoy it. You’ve earned it.

I followed Marlon quickly, tapping his shoulder.

Y/n: Want me to come with you?

He immediately shook his head, looking slightly guilty, for some reason.

Marlon: No, no. I- Uh, I’ll just do it. Go with Clementine. 

Then he walked off. He was acting weirdly and I wanted to know why, but I knew he wouldn’t talk until he was ready so I followed his suggestion, heading over to Clementine and AJ and the others to grab some food.

Clementine x Fem!Reader | TWDGजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें