🌼 Chapter 15

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<°° JUNGKOOK'S P.O.V °°>

"Drop these at the accounting department!" I told my assistant.

He left immediately after and as it was lunch time, I grinned at the thought of seeing Y/N again!

Okay I know I saw her just in the morning and we came to work together but that doesn't mean anything.

I miss her.

I unlocked my phone just to see a message from Y/N.

I'm having lunch with my friend, Noah today! Is that okay??

I sighed sadly. She asked me which means I can tell her that she doesn't have to go but I didn't want to be the controlling husband. I know Y/N, I trust her and besides she is a normal human too, just like I meet my friends sometimes, she needs to socialise, no matter how bad she thinks she is at it, but she is good in her own circle of friends I guess.

  Okay! Just tell me when you're back! ❤️

Shit. Why did I send a heart?

What would she think?

Isn't that too much?


I ordered food from one of my favourite Chinese restaurant. I'll have my lunch in the office, I'm not in the mood to go out for lunch without Y/N.

I sighed as I dropped my phone on the table.

Was the heart a little too much?


"Heyy!" Y/N said as she entered the office.

"Hey! Back already?" I asked.

"Yeah! Did you have lunch?"

"I did! How was your lunch?"

" I enjoyed it, we did catch up a little bit with each other, it was weird though! It's been so long since I met Noah, but then I was fine after a few minutes." She smiled.

"That's good! I'm happy you had a nice time!"

"Hmm! Well I just came to check up on you, so I'll go and complete my tasks now!"

"So you were worried about me?" I said in an amused tone.

"Of course I was, Kook!" She replied honestly and I was taken aback. "What did you eat?"

"I ordered some Chinese food."

"You didn't go out?" She asked, with a surprised expression.

"I didn't want to go out without you.."

We stared at each other for a few seconds until she cleared her throat.

I watch her as she shifts her weight from one foot to another.

She is nervous.


"I'll go back to my uhm office now." She said. "I'll see you after work."

"Can't you stay?"

"Hmm?" She asked back, confused. "Oh here, umm no, I have a lot of things to do."

I walked from my seat to where she was standing, opposite my desk.

"Well, we could do a lot of things here too.." I said as she leaned back to the desk as I approached her.

"Like what.." She asked in a whisper as my hands caged her, and I close the space so that our face was just an inch away from each other.

"Like.." I tuck her hair behind her ear and leaned down to whisper. "A lot of things.. "

I placed a peck below her ear and watched as she shivers ftom my touch.

" I uh I need to umm.." She struggled to complete her sentence as my lips touched her neck.

I can feel that she is having a hard time to breathe.

I take a step back and watch her as she has her eyes shut.

Beautiful. She is so beautiful.

I held her cheeks softly, before pressing my lips to her forehead.

"Go!" I said.

She opened her eyes and I felt my pants tighten.

The way she looks at me right now, ugh, it takes me everything, to not lose myself.

"Umm.. I'll just.. Umm go..yeah.. See you.." She rushed out of my office.

I get back to my seat, as I try to recover from this intense moment.

Did I mess it up?


We were just fine, and I approached her this way. Oh God! What if.. What if my behaviour today ruins everything.

Why did you have to do that Jungkook. Whyyyy?

I groaned as I throw my head on the table.


My First Love..Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat