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"Your daughter is going to remain single for liiiiife~" Y/N's brother sings to their mother to tease her.

"Oh shut up Yoongles! It's not like you're doing any better duhhh." Y/N replied.

"Excuse me? I got a girlfriend okay."

"And you're keeping the ring in your pocket cause yOu aReeee aaaa coWAAARRd."

"Shut up you-"

"Both of you better shut up now or I'll ground you. Pfft! I can't believe I have two grown up adults as my children in the house and you both are fighting as if you're still in kindergarten." Their mother scolds them as she settles herself on the couch too next to her daughter.

"He started it-"

"But she called me a-"


Both of them pursed their lips and turn their heads to avoid looking at each other.

"Y/N! Your father and I, were thinking of setting you up with someone! You know you've been single your whole life and I don't think you're going to approach anyone anyways so I need to do what has to be done!"

"Mommmm! Nooo!! I mean I'm fine like this Mommm"

"Well I'm not! Yoongi got a girlfriend, your cousins got their partners, went to dates and all but you? You've never even dated, never went to a blind date!And you're already 26."

"But.. But mom please you can't set me up like this!" Y/N says.

"Well I am.. Your father knows them and Yoongi knows the guy so I'm sure there wouldn't be any problems with that! They've been looking for a match for their son so why not you?"

Y/N looked at her mother in disbelief. She didn't want to believe that her beloved mother is doing this to her. She always knew that her mother supported her in everything then why not this?

Why does she have to marry someone that they chose and that she probably never met?

"He is tall, handsome, rich but above all he is kindhearted." her mother said smilingly.

"Mom please!! I don't want to meet anyone." Y/N whined.

" You are already of age, Y/N. Besides, I know Jungkook will take a good care of you." her mother replied.

" Wait. Jungkook? Jeon Jungkook?"

" Yep! You'll meet him tonight anyways! Ohh please make sure you wear something  pretty for once, like a dress?" she replied.

" Wait wait- Mom tonight?? What the hell? This is so-"

" Pfft it's not like you've never met Jungkook, little bean?" Yoongi rolls his eyes at her sister." He was your senior in High School, and I guess you went to the same university too right? He came home to hang out with me a lot of times too-"

"And so? Even if he did, he always hanged out with you and I'm sure he wouldn't accept this-"

"Well boohoo! Jungkook said yes already!" Yoongi said.

"Huh? But how? I mean why? Wasn't he dating someone?" Y/N deadpanned.

"He hasn't been dating anyone since like I don't know how many years now, Y/N." Yoongi said.

"What? No but how do you know-"

"He is my friend and you know that, right? Now stop asking stupid questions and go find a proper dress to wear! They're coming over for dinner." Yoongi said before taking the remote and switching on the TV.

"You knew? This whole time you knew?"

"Even if he did, I asked him not to tell you. Let's get to your room and see if you got something to wear for tonight!" Y/N's mother said before dragging her to her room.



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Hmmm.. I don't know how long this story will be! I mean it can be a short one, I don't know yet!

But I hope you'll like it!

Read, share and vote please!
Thank you💜😭

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