🌼 Chapter 7

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< °°Y/N's P. O.V°° >

It was already 8:30 in the evening and Jungkook wasn't home yet.

We come back home everyday by six though.

The dinner got cold already. We may not talk to each other at home but we always have our meals that together.

Is he not home yet because he is with Mira?

I shook my head trying to stop myself from overthinking.

I made myself comfortable on the couch as I stare at the TV which was playing some kind of a variety show but my attention wasn't on the show at all. I feel restless.

It was close to 9pm that I heard the door locked and shoe steps walking towards the living room.

"Oh shit- I" I hear Jungkook said in a scared voice. "I thought you went to bed."

I stay silent but I want to ask him where has he been. If he was out with his friends, he'd tell me. I know his friends, I know how they are. At least I know he wouldn't do something that he shouldn't when he was with them.

But I know he wasn't with any of his friends.

"Umm I'm hungry.." he said.

Why is he trying to make a conversation when he never did it at first.

"Y/N.. Why are you so quiet?"

"In case you never noticed we are both very much quiet in this house." I snapped.

"I'm a bit late tonight I know, I should-"

"I guess it's still none of my business but I'd still want to know. Where were you?"

"With Mira."

"And I supposed you left after office hours right?"

He nods.

I don't know what should I think anymore but it's not like he owes me anything right? I'm so pissed at him for not telling me about it that I decide to just let the matter drown.

"The food is already on the table, just heat and eat." I stated before making my way up.

"Won't you have dinner -"

"I'm not hungry." I said before rushing to the room.

I head towards the couch in the room and hid under the duvet and let the tears run down.

I sob quietly questioning myself whether I should have asked if anything happened or I did just fine.

Did he get back with her?

A few minutes later, I hear the room's door opened and Jungkook walking inside till he reached the couch.

I feel his hands fixing the duvet to tuck me in better.

He then walks to the dressing table and a few seconds later, I hear the bathroom door closes.

I hide myself more under the duvet and I let the tears flow until I fell asleep.

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