24. Dinner at the Tomlinson's

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"If I said something like that to my mom, she will smack me in the head!" Louis said his thought out loud making Harry and Anne chuckle. 

"I would like to see your mother." Anne commented. 

"Oh, wait! She's right there!" Louis said pointing to the direction his mother was talking to Niall's mom. 

"Let's go meet her." Anne said before following Louis to his mother. 

"Hey, mom! This is Anne, Harry's mother." Louis said once near their mom, who was just done talking to Niall's mom. 

"Oh god! It's absolutely delightful to meet you! I have read a lot about you and you're an inspirational woman." Jay said happily as he shook Anne's extended hand. 

"Oh, thank you!" Anne said blushing a bit. 

"You have raised such a wonderful boy right here. You're an inspirational mother." Anne commented, pointing towards Louis who blushed hard at the compliment.

"Thank you! I try my best." Jay said happily. 

Louis and Harry decided to let their mothers talk and get back to inviting people for the party. 

"Party at the Styles'! Bring anyone you want!" Louis said patting at every collegue he see. He knew that Harry doesn't care who he invites to the party, he just wanted people. 


"So, I invited Anne and Harry to dinner today! We can celebrate your graduation like that." Jay said as he unlocked the door to their house. 

"That's wonderful mom!" Louis said with a big smile. 

"She's such a lovely lady." Jay commented making Louis nod.

"Yes, she is."

"Why don't you go and change baby? I will get started on dinner." Jay placed a kiss on Louis' forehead. He agreed with her and kissed her cheek before going upstairs to change from his clothes and get ready for the dinner they had with Styles'. He fished his phone out of his pocket when it started ringing.

"Hello, babe!" Harry talked from the other end. 

"Hey!" Louis already had a smile ghosting over his lips.

"My mother just told me that we are coming to yours for dinner." Harry said.

"Yeah my mother also just told me." Louis agreed. 

"Can you please ask her to make those cheesy casoroles she make?" Harry asked shyly, making Louis chuckle. 

"Aw, you like it that much?" Louis asked. 

"Yep! I love them." Harry commented. 

"Okay, okay. I will ask her to make those." Louis said chuckling. They hung up after talking for a little bit more and Louis went downstairs after chaning to tell his mother about Harry's request. 

"That's what I started to make." Jay said chuckling when Louis told her about what Harry said. "I knew he liked it. That's why I started it." 

"Y'all know too much about each other." Louis rolled his eyes as he took a seat on the kitchen counter.

"Yes, we do! And get down from my kitchen counter, mister." Jay patted Louis' thigh making him groan as he jumped down from the place he was sat on. 

"Please get a pan, love." 

Just like that Louis and Jay continued to make dinner. 


After another hour the Tomlinson's doorbell rang. 

Sassy Tommo - Larry Stylinson [Ageplay]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin