Busted Adriana! I was at loss for words. What was I supposed to say? 'Yeah you got me, I was lying.'

    He noticed my distress and chuckled. He took a step closer and I already memorized what would happen next. There was no need to back away.

    "You were lying to me, weren't you?" He said in a darker tone than the one before. His face held an evil smirk that I wanted to slap away so badly. I opened my mouth to deny it but I knew there was no use, either way I would've gotten punished.

    "Answer me!" He muttered through gritted teeth. He took ahold of my wrist and wrapped his hand around it. He pressed so hard and twisted my arm. I whimpered and begged for him to stop.

    "Please stop, please," I pleaded with fear and mercy dripping from my to ex My eyes began to water from pain and my bone was going to break anytime soon due to his strong grip. His gaze locked with mine from a millisecond, and then he slowly released my wrist. A sigh of relief escaped my lips and my eyes traveled to my bruised wrist. The purplish and faint reddish color that had formed was in no way delightful. My hand quickly clutched it and rubbed the area in attempt to soothe the pain. He huffed and took a step back.

    "Now princess, I thought you knew how bad lying is," The hatred I felt for him could not even be explained. I shot him a nasty look due to the strong emotions I was experiencing and he commenced laughing like a maniac. His roaring laughter could awaken a whole neighborhood.

    "Don't look at me like that. Now go be a sweetheart and fetch me a packet of cigarettes, I'm all out." He initiated traveling faraway and so did I. My arm was immensely throbbing and my head was incredibly pounding.

"Oh and there's money on the table for it." he shouted from the other room. I cussed at him under my breath and washed my wrist which made the pain worsen. I tucked my phone in my back pocket and headed out.

    I began my journey to the supermarket that was close to my neighborhood. We lived in a normal neighborhood, nothing ghetto or abandoned but our house "stood out" from all the others. I never talked to any of my neighbors, nor have they ever wanted too. But I do remember this kid named Julian whom I had a massive crush on. He wasn't even attractive; sticky hair, acne all over, braces I believe, and the worst attitude. Even with all that I still crushed on the guy. Ahh, good old days. I was eight years old at the time. Me and him never talked I just gazed at him from afar. The only time we made contact was when he would pull on my pigtail. I smiled at the memory. If only I could be a kid again.

    I pushed away all those thoughts and entered the supermarket. I didn't feel comfortable with walking inside a supermarket and buying harmful things such as cigarettes. I didn't even look like the type of person who would smoke. I continued walking down the aisle, and stopped in front of the cigarettes. I ignored the stares I got from the old ladies at the end of the aisle. My hand reached out for them until I heard a familiar deep voice.

    "Well well well, what do we have here?" The Asshole's raspy voice invaded my eardrums. I clutched the packet so hard and turned my head to the right. Without even thinking, I started glaring at him.

    God, he was everywhere!

    "Little Missy's being a hypocrite I see," His tall frame intimidated me, I only stood a five foot four. I didn't dare look at his devilish dark eyes because I knew they would intimidate me even more. Though his frame and irises were terrifying to stare at, his persona wasn't at all. Besides, I wasn't the one to enjoy showing fear.

    "What? Cat got your tongue?" he flashed me a wicked smile. I dared to look him straight in the eye. I noticed how thick his lashes were, any girl would kill for lashes like that. I also noticed his eyes transformed from black to a dark chocolaty color. So I assumed emotions played a huge role in the diversion of the shades of his eyes.

    "I'll speak whenever I please." I remarked and his smirk widened.

    "It speaks after all," I was shockingly starting at his statement. He dared to refer to me as an 'it'.

    "Damn, you really are desperate. You even followed me to the supermarket!" I narrowed my eyes at his attempt to trigger me.

    "Truth hurts I know, but guess what? You're not all that, Ryder. You're only a catch for desperate, excuse my French, sluts," the smirk was wiped out of his face and placed on mine.

    "Only sluts, huh? Well I guess you're a slut," he winked not shocking me because of his bad language. Well, I guess the smirk returned. Didn't even leave for a minute.

    "You've called me so many names that I've lost count. Aren't you a charming young man," I rolled my eyes at him, and I wondered how many time I've done that in my lifetime.

    "Tell me something I don't know," he arrogantly stated. I opened my mouth to speak again until a leggy blonde called him. She was stunning in her sundress. She had killer long legs, long wavy blonde hair, the bluest eyes, and a perfectly shaped nose. He clearly had a thing for tall blondes.

    "Ryder, come on, let's go." she batted her lashes at him but he didn't even acknowledge her presence, he was too busy staring at me with. . . amusement? That was immensely odd.

    "And you are.. ."she looked at me in a bored manner as she extended her sentence. I was seconds away from replying before Morgan decided to join the conversation.

    "No one, she's no one." He quickly answered and took the beer bottles from her hands. How was he purchasing alcohol? I didn't even want to know about his illegal adventures.  

    He looked at me one more time then snapped his fingers together in remembrance. If we were in a cartoon, I would've seen a light bulb turn on above his head, but sadly it was reality.

    "Quit." His eyes bored into mine and he folded his arms over his chest.

    "Excuse me?" He clenched his jaw and opened his mouth once more.

    "Now she can't hear. What else can't you do? Should give me a heads up, you know," I simply disregarded his useless statement.

    "No." I answered, a small smile playing on my lips.

    "No for which one?" He was not the brightest crayon in the box, I noticed.

    "I'm not going to quit," I said, determined.

    "You will quit or else I'll make your working life a living hell." I just shook my head and stepped to the left, so I could walk away. Morgan imitated my actions and I huffed.

    "Really?!" I stepped to the opposite direction and so did he. He clearly enjoyed being a childish bastard.

    I stepped closer to him and he tensed at our proximity. I brought my face closer and whispered softly in his ear.

    "Challenge accepted, Ryder Morgan," I faintly muttered those words and then stomped on his foot so hard that I heard a cracking sound. The blonde next to him gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.


    He jumped at my previous action swore in anger as I smiled in victory.

    Adriana 3 - Ryder 0

• • • • • • •

Heyy guys, how are you all doing?

Okay I know you may think that it's boring so far but I promise it's gonna get exiting by the next chapter so please give it a chance ;-;

Oh and I've finally decided and the role of Adriana will be played by the breathtakingly beautiful Miranda Kerr, and there's a picture on the side.

Now if you guys like my book how about you add it to your library so you get notified when I update.

Thank you so much to everyone who's supporting me, I love you all so much.

Until next time,


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