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You brush off your clothes and stand up straight. "Also I've done the whole mind controlled and fighting for the bad guys thing. I'm not a fan."

"Well, they must be some painful memories.", Loki said getting up and moving towards you. 

You pull out your daggers and start fighting the God. He blocks you attacks and takes on of the daggers and holds it to your throat. You twist his arm so that he's holding the dagger to his neck. You keep pushing his arm forward with all your strength. Suddeny he puts his other hand on your forehead.

You see flashbacks of all the missions you did, the cold HYDRA room you stayed in, the superiors who tortured you, the mind wipe chair and the innocent people you killed. You pull back gasping, a hand on your chest. 

You then look up and see the God. Something inside you snaps. You sprint towards him blasting him back. This was not at all the reaction he was expecting. You continuously keep blasting him and he keeps stepping back towards the landing pad Stark designed. You shoot a final powerful blast knocking him down in the open.

The raven haired God got up and looked at you amused by your sudden power burst. Then Thor lands near you.

"Loki! Turn off the Tesseract or I'll destroy it!", the older God warned.

"You can't. There is no stopping it. There is only the war!", Loki said.

"Fine then.", you say and rush at him. 

He immediately uses his scepter and blasts you back making you fall down from the tower. You are about to do something when you feel a pair of hands grab your torso.

"Come on Ice pop, I thought you knew better than to go skydiving without a parachute.", Tony spoke through the suit.

"Whatever.", you say rolling your eyes. The billionaire drops you on the ground near Cap and the others.

"Where were you?", Steve asked.

"Oh I was just offering our very kind guest a drink.", you said.

"Are you serious?", Clint asked.

"Nope, I'm Y/n. Sirius is Harry's God father.", you say freezing a Chitauri behind you. 

"Well things can't get any worse.", Nat said.

"Oh, things can always get worse.", you said winking as your flip over a Chitauri and take its gun and shoot it. Suddenly a deafening roar is heard. As you all look up a giant Chiaturi Leviathan flies out of the worm hole.

"You had to say that.", Clint said.

"Okay, that was my bad.", you apologise as an alien attacks you from behind. You get out of the way a little, grab its hand take out you blade and cut off its arm. Its screams in pain and then you turn and stab it and kick it back.

"Stark, are you seeing this?", Cap asked through the comms.

"I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?", you heard the playboy speak through the earpiece.

"Banner?", Steve asks.

"Just keep me posted. Jarvis, find me a soft spot.", Tony said.

You and the others run behind upside taxis and look up to see Loki taking his band down the street and firing  at the street in a chain of explosions. It smashes cars and hurls peopel as it goes and goes off in one final conflagaration. Terrified people running from Loki, looking over their shoulders, come straight at you all. Cap then looks down the bridge.

The Winter Widow: Avengers x Fem!Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now