Chapter 7

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The next day Joen wakes up to a purring Tyren, he looked kinda cute hugging Joen from the side while purring like a kitty. Joen layed there with a soft smile and after a while the sleepy kitty woke up and looked up at Joen

Joen: Morning Kitty

Joen smiled as Tyren soon realized how close he was to Joen and sat up and blushed hard

Tyren: M-Morning! Sorry about that, didn't mean to be so close haha!

Joen: Bro we were just cuddling, what's so bad about thay?

Joen blushed a bit as Tyren sighs and chuckles

Tyren: Well only couples do that and well we aren't

Joen: Well true, but we're just bros and...

Joen lifted Tyren's chin with a finger and looked at him in the eyes getting closer to him

Joen: Maybe we can be something more than that~

Tyren was redder than some parts of his fur as he pushed Joen away and laughed

Tyren: Joeeeeen stwaaaap!

Joen laughed with him and punched softly the side of Tyren's arm

Joen: I Apologize, that was a bit uncharacteristic of me, I think your influence is affecting me hehe

Tyren: Heh I kinda like it, seeing you smile and laugh... It's really nice!

Joen: Alright, do you want some breakfast? I'll cook

Tyren: Sure! What are you making?

Joen got up and pulled on some of his clothes from his bagback and pulled then on, it was tight on him showing his well built body

Joen: It's a suprise

The machoke leaves the incineroar's room and heads to the kitchen as Tyren layed on the sofa and covered his face that waa red like a tomato. His cheek burns as he can't handle his close friend's good looks.

Meanwhile Joen blushes and took out ingredients to make pancakes, he liked to bake as a pass time back home when his dad wasn't around and was off getting drunk or something. He made some pokémon shaped pancakes as he thought it was cute. He heard Tyren walking through the halls and alerted him to not come in the kitchen so the suprise isn't spoiled.

Later on...
Joen had finished the pancakes, the said pancakes had syrup on top, some whipcream and a strawberry at the top. He almost panicked seeing how the whipcream can didn't seem to have anything in it, but after finally getting some out it just splatered on his face. Back to him finishing, he called out Tyren and Tyren came and entered the kitchen looking at the pancakes.

Tyren: Yoooo! These look great!

Joen: Glad you like it, now lets sit down and eat

The machoke gave a soft smile as he sat down by the table with Tyren joining him, they both ate and Tyren seemed pretty happy

Tyren: Shooo gwood!

Joen: Tyren, don't eat with you mouth full >:|

Tyren swallows his food and then chuckles

Tyren: Sorry sorry! But like these are real good!

Joen: Thanks...

Joen blushed as the two of them finished. Tyren notices that Joen had some syrup in his cheek amd he grabbed a napkin and got close to him and cleaned it, Joen was caught off guard and blushed hard.

Tyren: You got some syrup on your face silly

Tyren sits back down as he laughed and Joen joined. The two then drank some coffee and headed out to go work out together. It was now just a few days before they challenged the current tag team champions, they work out, trained and even had a sparring match together

They both walk out of the gym sweaty cause the showers were broken, they pass the usual bar and to Joen's suprise he saw his father, being thr drunkerd that he is. His father would always get drunk when he's at the bar with friends. His father approached him.

Mack: So we meet again my lousey excuse or a son

Joen: ...Let's go Tyren

Mack: Oh come on, so what! I kick you out if my house and now you won't talk to me?

Joen: No shit sherlock

Tyren was a but uncormfortable seeing this happening, Joen and Mack got into an argument causing a scene. The argument got intense as they were shouting and then the loud sound of a slap echoes the streets. Joen's cheek was red from the slap his father gave him. Tyren watched Joen on the floor and growled, he then lifts his fists and punches Mack straight on his machamp nose! Breaking it right at that spot!


The incineroar shouts aloud as he helps Joen up and takes him away back to his home. Joen was suprised, he never has seen Tyren so angry before, he was basically breathing fire.

Joen: ...T-Thank you

Tyren: No problem

Tyren said in a moody manner as they make it to his house. Once inside Joen grabs Tyren and pins him on the couch.

Tyren: Hey! What are you-

Tyren felt the hands of his machoke friend on his head... Joen was petting him?

Joen: Calm down Tyren... I'm ok

Tyren: But he slapt you so hard-

Joen: I know, but you left him a broken nose probably

Tyren realises the damage he did to Mack and groans loudly

Tyren: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I'm an idiot

Joen: Welll... he deserved it anyways

Tyren: I guess...

Joen: Hey hey... um calm down, I mean he's a machamp, he has gotten worst! I think it was a bit heroic how you stepped up for me

Joen blushed a bit as Tyren started to purr from Joen's petting... Joen was atop of Tyren as he pet him. Their sweaty bodies this close, their lips were inches away as the made eye contact qith each other... Tyren's green eyes and Joen's red eyes reflected upon each other as they got closer and closer untill their lips made contact~

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