Daniel: Hyah!

Mr. LaRusso tries to kick him again but Tristan blocked it again.

Daniel: Aits!

Mr. LaRusso more punches at Tristan and he blocks. Mr. LaRusso launches two kicks only to have them blocked and Mr. LaRusso throws more punches with Tristan blocking them. Mr. LaRusso stops and looks at Tristan with a smile. Tristan looks at his hands and Mr. LaRusso.

Tristan: That was all karate?

(Y/N): I told you.

Tristan: You knew this was gonna happen.

(Y/N): I sure did. I did this, too.

Daniel: You're ready, Tristan.

Mr. LaRusso and Tristan bow to each other.

Tristan: Was me being angry part of the training?

Daniel: Yes. You build up your body doing the chores and when you let the anger out, it's all muscle memory.

Tristan: Nice. So what's next?

Daniel: Your training continues tomorrow. But, I have to tell you two something. 

(Y/N): What's up?

Daniel: I found out who was behind the billboard.

(Y/N): Who?

Mr. LaRusso shows you the flyer. You breathe in and out.

(Y/N): We don't know if he did it.

Daniel: (Y/N), how many people do you know carry that flyer?

You think it over and sigh.

(Y/N): You're right. Please tell me you're not gonna do something crazy. Because he must've been upset over Miguel.

Daniel: That's what I thought too. Listen. I'm not going to do anything. I have you and Tristan in the dojo. I feel better when I train and keep balance.

(Y/N): Good to hear. So what are you gonna do?

Daniel: Nothing. I'm just gonna keep training you and Tristan. Besides, Cobra Kai has a lifetime ban in the All-Valley Tournament.

(Y/N): Because of Johnny Lawrence?

Daniel: 'chuckles' No. Not because of him. Another long story. I'll tell you later.

(Y/N): Great.

Daniel: So, how are your kicks?

(Y/N): Yeah, I've been working on those.

Daniel: Alright, show me.

You walk to the punching bag and show Mr. LaRusso how you kick. You showed him two thrust kicks. You switch your stance and do a roundhouse kick. You do two spinning hook kicks. And last you do is a tornado kick. You breathe and look at Mr. LaRusso.

(Y/N): How's that?

Daniel: Nice. But you need some more practice with the spinning hook kicks and that tornado kick.

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