November 22nd, 2021

18 6 0

Aurelia's Diary- November 22nd, 2021

Dear Diary,

The City of Love was extraordinary when I woke up from my sleep. Harry had opened the window, the fresh breeze whirling inside and I snuggled deeper in my soft blanket. The smell of food from the restaurant below was pulled up with the wind, the smell so refreshing. I looked outside and saw people rushing around or clicking pictures with smiles.

"Like the view?" Harry asked. I peaked up from the blanket and saw him in a towel, freshly clean from the warm shower. His hair was slicked back, his toned and wet body sparkling against the sun's rays and he ran his hand through his hair. I nodded.

"Yeah, I love waking up like this," I said. I was partly referring to the view outside but on the other hand, it was mostly him in a towel. I smiled as I turned around to face him and he jumped beside me. His hand pushed away the strands of wild curls that managed to fall onto my face and stared into my eyes.

"You know I love your hair. It's unique," he mumbled as he twirled a curl on his finger. I watched him twirl the curl, looking so concentrated and I smiled lightly. "We should get breakfast and head out," he said.


With our hands intertwined, we walked the streets of Paris and I ate the pieces of chocolate Harry bought for me. "It's early in the morning and you're eating chocolate," he smirked and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"And? I don't see your point," I said as I bit into the bar and soaked in the inviting taste. The morning sun glowed against the busy streets, people hurrying to their next destinations and it was all fresh with life. Most ate at restaurants with their groups while others scurried to their jobs. I sucked in the new environment as I tried to remember every detail of this City to write in this diary.

We made our way through the streets until we reached the Louvre Museum. It held such clear glass, the triangle high into the sky and the beauty within it captured Paris. The Palace around it all looked over to the artefact, the beauty radiating off while tourists clicked pictures and gazed upon it. "I always looked at photos but I didn't know it was this beautiful!" I said as I smiled.

"You know it'll take one hundred days just to see the art within this Museum," Harry said. I looked over with a cocked eyebrow to the sudden fact. I didn't know that he actually researched that deep into it but I grinned.

"So you think we have one hundred days just to stare at art? Eroda would basically collapse without us, you know that, right?" I asked.

"Yeah I do but it doesn't hurt to know," he said as a smile tugged on his lips. I gazed around the beauty of the Museum as I walked through the doors of the Palace. It held such elegance, the kind that would make you feel so poor. The sun's rays casted a magnificent glow through the glass roof, allowing the place to sparkle and there were hundreds of windows and doors leading to rooms of art. In the main centre of it all held statutes of Ancient Greece and France and small trees bloomed in ivory pots.

"Oh my God, you're King Styles and Queen Aurelia," a girl squealed and I turned to meet her hazel eyes glowing with happiness. That moment held such significance as it reminded me how far we've come for others in public to notice us. It truly amazed me.

"Hey, how are you?" Harry asked with a smile.

"Better since I've met you," she beamed. She was a young girl around the age of eighteen, her chestnut hair cascading down her shoulders and hazel eyes glued onto Harry. Her blue shorts were up to her mid-thigh while her crop top cascaded down her body. "What're you doing here?" She asked as she gently blushed. I could tell she wasn't too familiar around royals but I was glad to meet new people. However, her hands began to touch Harry and that's what began to tick me off.

"Just a honeymoon with my wife," he stated as he slowly pushed her hands away from his body. Her face visibly fell to his words and I smirked slightly without her knowing. She needed to take a clear message that he was a married man and I wasn't going to let that slide whatsoever.

"What would you like?" I asked politely even though my insides were screaming with anger. I didn't like the thought of someone hitting on my husband and I was going to put a stop to that. My arm slung through his as I firmly held onto him and threw a sarcastic smile in her way. He was mine and only mine.

"Uhm, just a picture?" She stuttered. I knew she could tell I was jealous and I really tried to mask it away but it was very difficult. "Sorry to intrude, your highnesses. Just a picture would be fine," she smiled brightly to mask her embarrassment on her cheeks.

"Always happy to help," I smiled. Within seconds she left with a smiling picture of Harry, the girl and myself and she thanked us. I turned around to meet the face of a smirking Harry, his pale green eyes gleaming. "What?"

"You were jealous, weren't you?" He asked.

"What? No, I wasn't," I shook my head.

"Yes you were. Don't lie, Aurelia," he smirked. He walked closer until I had to arch my neck to meet his eyes once again. His thumb stroked on my cheek. "You were so jealous," he tried again, smirking mischievously.

Pushing him away, I rolled my eyes. "Fine, I was jealous. I won't allow some eighteen year old girl taking what's rightfully mine," I said, the annoyance laced within my voice.

"Aw, so you were jealous. Don't need to be embarrassed about that, angel. And don't you ever think some girl would snatch me up, I'm all yours," he smiled as he leaned down to kiss my cheek. Glad he knew it.

*Ring, ring, ring*

Harry's phone rang loudly, echoing through the Palace and he picked it up. "What? What do you mean?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I tried to hear closely. "Okay, we'll be right there," he continued and hung up, placing it in his pocket.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Your father just received another note from your mother. It's happening, Aurelia. Your mother has declared war and she's coming for us," he said, his jaw clenched and my heart dropped.

It was finally happening...

(Hey lovelies! What did you think of this chapter? What do you think will happen? Please consider voting and commenting! Hope you had a great day/night!)

~Love, Natalie

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