Chapter 3

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The inside of the castle was just as intimidating as the outside. Huge chandeliers dangled from the ceiling, and a grand stair case welcomed you in. Everything was either stone, dark wood, or blood red. It was even bigger than it was on the outside. But what scared me the most wasn't the intimidation, it was all the vampires lounging around.

Everyone turned and stared at me. Some with glares, noting my hand entwined with Declan's. Others with supporting smiles at us, which honestly confused the hell out of me but I wasn't in a position to argue. They all had one thing in common - the un-ignorable shock in there eyes.  I gulped and tried to breathe evenly. One vampire I could take - 20 at most. But 200? I doubt it.

Declan noticed my unease, and gave me a reassuring smile. And for a moment I felt everything spin, and my breath stop.

Until I heard shouting.

"Who is she!?" someone screeched. I blinked and turned toward the speaker. A fiery red-head, with blazing eyes and pale skin. Of course she was beautiful, why wouldn't she be? Ugh vampires.

"Relax" Declan commanded in a low but fierce voice. I recognized it as an Alpha voice, commanding yet soft and firm. 

It was then that I noticed the gathering crowd.

"What is she doing here!"

"She's a wolf!"

"Kill her!"

"Disgusting mutt" 

Then something in me snapped. I growled, with strength I never new I had, than let go of Declan's hand and got into a fighting position. At first everyone looks back at me,  shocked I was so brave as to face them, and freezes. But soon everyone is hissing and showing their fangs.  

"STOP NOW!" Declan shouts, freezing everyone in place. I narrow my eyes and stare at them, conjuring all of the confidence I now feel into my face.

"Leave. Her. Alone" he stated glaring at every vamp in the room. Slowly everyone throws back their shoulders and retracts their fangs. They are still tense, still angry and watching me with looks that could kill. Grinding my teeth from anger, I manage to stand upright once again.

"Who is she?" someone demands just above a growl.

"She is my mate Anthony, her name is Sky." Declan replied simply.

Everyone's eyes turn to the size of baseballs and it takes all my will power not to laugh. I understand the confussion, yet the site is hiliarious. 

"That is not possible" Anthony declares shaking his head.

"Says who exactly?" I growl at him, venom dripping on my words. They direct their attention to me, hearing me talk for the first time.

"Mutt" Anthony spit at me.

That's it.

 In a second I'm in the air, my wolf out and full of fiery. I'm on him in a flash, biting into his neck. I can hear everything going into chaos around me, but my focus in on the bastard  I'm clawing.

Suddenly I'm off of him, and being thrown across the room. I hit the stone wall with a loud crash, and I feel all my muscles collapse. Whimpering, I look up to see a white-haired vampire, with icy blue eyes. No one is looking at me, but at him. The only one giving me acknowledgement is a very pissed looking Declan. He's bent on his knees next to me looking helpless. I grunt, and sift myself to human form, only to fall back to the floor. Declan scoops me up, and holds me bridal- style.

"Take her upstairs" The older vampire orders. All the others are still staring at him guiltily, yet anger and betrayal still coats their faces. Declan just nods, not taking his eyes off me. I give him a small smile before blacking out.

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