Sometimes Plans Change.

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38 Weeks and 5 days:

Check up day.. She always hated check up day. Hated it even more realizing that Jay wasn't going to be able to come with her and that she was going to have to go alone. Or so she thought. She was in the process of making her alone check up Doctor plans and then Will Halstead decided to remind them that the day of her appointment just happened to be one of his off days. So once Jay found out that little bit of info he was admit that Will accompany her to the appointment. With a promise of course he would leave the room the minute her pants needed to come off.

Now the only thing that Ana could hope would come from this appointment? That everything was moving along smoothly and she could finally leave bed rest behind her. Lord knows she was tired of that. But you know what they say. Sometimes? Plans just have to change.

Ana laid there. One arm laying across her stomach and the other laying across her forehead. She had just finished her check up and of course the Doctor hadn't said anything. That of course made Ana a nervous mess. So much from when the moment he left the room she had made Will come in and sit beside her. All along wishing Jay was the one sitting in the corner like he usually was. 

"Maybe he just got some of your blood work back and he forgot to bring it in." Will muttered as he looked up at the celling. Ana rolled her eyes as she rolled her head over to look at him. "Or maybe there is something completely wrong and they are just trying to find a way to tell me." Ana snapped back as she locked eyes with him.

"Well way to think positive." Will muttered as he tucked his phone into his pocket.

Before Ana got a chance to respond her Doctor walked back into the room and rolled right off the tongue with..

"Elianna were going to deliver this baby today."

Ana swore she felt her breath being caught in her chest. For a moment it was like she couldn't breathe even though she knew she had too. Laying back on the exam table she closed her eyes taking a deep breath in before her eyes snapped open and she looked at the Doctor. Now both hands rested on her stomach. Almost protective like.

"What?! I'm only 38 weeks and 5 days! Jay isn't even here! Oh God! My husband isn't here! Someone call my husband! Someone please call my husband!" She started breathing just a little bit faster. Will reached over and squeezed her hand.

 "Look! I'm going to go out and call Jay right now. Hell he'll probably beat us to Med. Right now your going to lay back and try to get your breathing under control and then you my dear are off to bring my niece into the world." Will tried his best to give her a reassuring smile. All Ana could do was shake her head as she watched him walk out of the room. Then she took the time to focus back on her Doctor again.

"I'm just worried about the placenta now. Where it's located. There are no health risks to the baby. She's  already almost 8 pounds. Instead of focusing on the negative focus on the positive. Your daughter is more than ready to enter this world."

After getting that news from her Doctor from that moment on Elianna felt like her life was moving in fast forward. Full speed ahead at a hyper ass speed. Now here she laid on the Mom Baby floor of Med. Sitting up right in the hospital bed. Clad in a hospital gown. Trying to give herself some comfort while she waited for her husband.

Baby Girl Halstead was coming tonight and she didn't care who was ready for her.

 Ana was closing her eyes trying to keep her blood pressure down. When she finally heard the voice she had been waiting on for the past 2 hours and it had sounded like it was in just as much distress as she was.

"Elianna Halstead?! Where the hell is Elianna Halstead?! Jay yelled as he sat his hands down on the Nurse's station. "Where is my wife?!" He finally yelled out.

 "Jay?! Ana yelled out.. Then within seconds her husband appeared in the doorway.

An hour after they had gotten Jay scrubs and Ana prepared for her C section. Jay helped her place the cap over her hair as they were rolled back and waited for their surgical birthing suite.

At 6:25 pm Gianna Rayne Halstead entered the world. Weighing a hefty 8 pounds 13 ounces and was 19 inches long.

Once Ana heard her daughter take her first cries Jay ran the back of his hand down Ana's cheek. Catching the tears that were now making their way down her own cheeks.

"She's here babe.. You did so good." He whispered as he pressed his lips against her temple. 

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