Chapter 2. Very-Very Best Friend

Start from the beginning

After a few seconds of staying in one place he made it up. There would be no need in fighting since he is from the Nara clan and his dad is a Jounin commander AND leader of the clan: that ninja will be suspended if his dad finds out about this. And the ninja must have passed the academy exams a prt of which is reiterating everything you must know about the village and the clans residing in it. Plus, he probably already met his dad at some point. There was no mistake. But what to do about the two civilians? Let's hope their ninja buddy tells them not to engage and leave. Otherwise, plan B.

So Shikamaru stepped in action.

"Oi, you three! What are you doing!" the three men turned to see the Nara glaring at them. The guy with the Leaf headband recognised the young Nara's face and immediately stepped back.

The other two, however, didn't, and so they started mocking the kid:
"What are you doing here, punk? This is not your business, so if you don't want to get caught up in this then I advise you to leave. We just need this kid."

"That's right! You tell him, Yan!" the second guy cheered on the man who held Naruto by the collar. Speaking of Naruto, he was rather relieved to see someone come in clutch, otherwise... He didn't know what could have happened here. He was looking around trying to find an opening to escape and he did. When the Nara came in, the guy's grip on his collar weakened because of the distraction, so he managed to carefully take out his shirt from the man's grasp and quietly blend in with the shadows. The guy with the Leaf headband noticed him leaving, but didn't say a word to his companions. Shikamaru noticed it as well and smirked at the now bare wall, to which the small blonde was pinned just a few seconds ago. Shikamaru didn't expect Naruto to slip out that well but to come in clutch with his clan's position to get their hands off of him. It wasn't fair, yes, but the thing they were doing was, in fact, a bit illegal. Seeing the others look at the place where Naruto was supposed to be at, the guy who was holding Naruto turned back to face the brick wall instead of the boy he was holding onto. He cursed under his breath and turned to the Nara.

"Okay, kid, now you're getting it!"

The guy in the headband gulped and interrupted 'Yan' in a shaky voice:
"H-Hey, Yan, don't hurt that kid-"

The third man quickly realised what their ninja friend meant and also took a step back from the Nara. Yan, however, didn't really understand why his friends weren't cheering him on, so he took Shikamaru by the collar as well, threatening to beat him up here and now. The Nara grinned.

"Go ahead, beat me up. But my father, the leader of the Nara clan would be really disappointed in a 'kind' villager like you disobeying the rules, don't you think?"

The man still didn't believe it and continued threatening the kid, tightening the grip on the boy's collar:
"Stop bluffing, kiddo! Nothing is saving you from me!"

The ninja friend suddenly interrupted him:
"Hey, hey! Yan, he is not bluffing! He is the Nara clan's heir! We need to get out of here right now!"

The man suddenly let him go and stumbled back in fear for his future. He called for the others and they left in a hurry, not daring to lock eyes with Shikamaru. This wasn't such a fair game, but if it saves someone from harm, you should use everything you have in your arsenal, whether on the battlefield or in normal life. Shikamaru sighed in relief:
"-No plan B, phew-"

He then proceeded to spare a glance in the shadows as he saw a pair of baby blue eyes staring back at him.

Naruto stepped out with a toothy grin, completely forgetting about the empty, hurtful feeling in his chest.

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