32: The King of Clouds 01

Start from the beginning

"Where's the Gate of Truth moving next?" the investigator asked.

"Headed to Jiangzhou, China. Its nickname is Modou, the Magic City, and apparently it has its own wards. But they say wherever MU opens the gate, the feng shui is always bad. I hope the mysterious ancient magic of the East can break the streak," another investigator replied. "The Chinese Dragon Group reported various alien activities in the city lately. I don't know what's attracting the otherworld to Jiangzhou."

"You don't know? If there wasn't a problem, MU wouldn't open the gate there. Of course, if there wasn't a problem before the gate opened, you can bet there'll be a problem after."

Zong Yan felt embarrassed.

No matter where MU opened the Gate of Truth, the destination city got a reputation for bad feng shui. That meant no matter how glorious it was in the beginning, by the time they left, it was a shambles.

After returning to the Dreamlands, he naturally had to submit the results of his E-level mission to the Academic Affairs Office.

Zong Yan was surprised that he received a good external evaluation from Hoshino Kota.

That meant as long as his advisor gave him a passing mark, he'd successfully completed the investigation practice course unscathed.

"Huh? You didn't bring a transcript signed by your advisor?" the Academic Affairs professor entering his grades suddenly looked up and asked.

"No... Well, wait, I need a report card personally signed by my advisor?" Zong Yan froze as though facing a grave threat.

"Of course." The professor was baffled. "Your mentor is the final evaluator of your grades. All your grades have to be approved by your advisor. If he won't let you graduate, there's nothing we can do."

Zong Yan: "Good grief!"

When he thought of who his advisor was, Zong Yan felt a wave of anguish.

That was no ordinary teacher. He was a god, and not an ancient god or a Great Old One. He was an Outer God, at the very apex of the Outer Gods.

Zong Yan wanted to avoid him like the plague, but there was no choice. He had to run over there and show his face. Were these people worried that Zong Yan hadn't died fast enough?

What's more, Tawil seemed very interested in him lately and was committed to making him a believer in Yog-Sothoth.

The whole thing was a mess. All Zong Yan could do was play dumb. He was worried that if he actually dared to refuse, he'd face the fury of the Lord of Time and Space a second later.

The most important thing was that last time, because the situation was so urgent, Zong Yan had appeared in front of him in his Night Watchman persona. He didn't have an easy way to explain where his superpower came from.


If he didn't get his advisor's signature, it was the same as not doing the investigation task at all.

There was really no way out. Zong Yan held his nose and headed to the astrological tower of the school.

As he climbed up the astrological tower with anxiety, the sound of his footsteps echoed in the empty tower.

This time, the door at the top of the tower was already open. When Zong Yan cautiously poked his head out, he was instantly captured by a pair of golden eyes looking directly at him.

Zong Yan: ...

Okay, the omniscient and omnipotent god would certainly know who was coming to visit.

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