Chapter 53-letter to him

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Dear lover,

       Love is like a ship when it hits an iceberg it sinks and is lost at sea. I was lost without him but he seemed to be happy without me. I wanted him to be the jack to my rose but in the end just like the titanic he sank and didn't come back afloat.
           But our love was more like a book than a movie.Our story ended the way it began with us being strangers even to ourselves. Strangers who have history ,strangers who would love other people but would never be in love. For the love isn't real.
        He was the main character and I was just a chapter in his life. But to me he was my whole story. No matter how many years would pass, my story, I knew there would be a sequel for I couldn't let him go. A love story the world was afraid to tell and hear. I gave him the world and he gave me the stars. I set the world on fire and never let a flame touch him. He lit my world with stars. He was the star. And just like that the stars in my world were gone. Self destructing in the very flames I protected the boy from.
        Desperately trying to fill the void left by his  light. I played with fire and got burned. My fingertips burning with pain as I try to reach out for the love of my life. As I try to create a ripple in time and bring him back to me without burning myself ,without burning him.
          The hazel eyed boy would always be on my mind but never in my arms again. In my memories but never in my bed. I wished I held him tightly so he wouldn't fly away to another life. A life where I was just someone he knew. Our memories being told to a Child named after me. The one he truly loved. I wanted him to erase all the bad memories all the bad things that were told about me from his mind. I want our memories to be filled with happiness and love even if it was short lived.
            I hoped to find love the type of love I had with him and maybe just maybe one day I would think of someone else when I hear you're name. Love is like glass once it's broken you can't put it back together. But just like glass you can break it down and create it again. I had a chance to end my story here but I want ,I need the sequel.
         The sequel would break down the glass and create new love. New memories with the boy I know. With the boy I knew not the stranger who asks me who I am. We were meant to be together forever but why did forever end so quickly. Why did it have to end. It won't end here because just like the earth I gravitate to the sun to the stars that light up the world.
             I'm going to find my light again even if it means I have to become the villain in the story. I'm coming for you and I'm never letting you go. Run while you can hide while you have time because once I catch my light I'm not letting you dim my world again even if it means letting the fire burn you, even if it means breaking the glass even if it means I have to show you the world again if you just let me once again.

               - to my one and only love Parker from
                           Jaylen Anastasia Argent.

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