Chapter 45- mall

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-Parker's pov-

Finally it's the weekend I can finally just lay in bed all day with jaylen. But my plans were cut short when Jaylen said we had to go to the mall for some stuff.

      Obviously I'm going to go with her but god why so early in the morning on a damn weekend. I get up and walk downstairs knowing Jaylen is in the shower because well I hear the shower running.

I walk down to see Alex eating cereal alone. I'm guessing Thomas hasn't woken up by the looks of it. I pour myself a bowl of cereal and sit down across from him. We sit in silence for a while. Im really curious as to why he's not home.

     It's not that I don't want him here I'm just wondering why his mom hasn't said anything. "So what did you tell your mom to the point where you're still here on a weekend"

    I question him as I shove a spoon full of lucky charms down my throat. "I actually told her I'm at your house. Im surprised she hasn't called to check up" makes sense his mom has only good things to say about me.

"We need to have a serious conversation Parker" ok what did I do now. Now I'm sitting up straight waiting for him to talk. "Have you heard from Zane lately?"

    I shake my head because I really haven't. I texted him and he didn't answer me. "Not really, I texted him earlier this week and he didn't answer me" nodding he suggested "maybe we should go check on him, you know how he gets sometimes" here's the thing with Zane he has some days where he just gets really depressed and doesn't get out of bed.

     There have been times where we have to physically drag him out of bed. "We should go before heading to the mall, it's near his house anyway"

The conversation kept flowing as Jaylen and Thomas run downstairs shoving each other as they come down the stairs. "Knock it off one of you are going fall and I'm not taking you to the damn hospital"

      I yelled at them from the kitchen to stop it. Since luke isn't here to tell them I will. Jaylen walks into the kitchen "ok dad"she says it in a mocking tone and laughed.

      Alex walks down the stairs on a phone call with a worried expression as he speaks to the person on the other side. He hangs the phone up and tells me "Alright we can go now" I'm guessing it was zanes mom. ok then we're on our way Zane. We're dragging you along with us if you like it or not.

Jaylen and Thomas look visibly confused as I turn into canes neighborhood and park in front of his house. I turn to Alex and he nods. "You two stay here" they're about to protest but we're already out of the car walking up to his door.

     We enter the house like we own it and wave at zanes mom. She knows were here to take him out of this house. We walk into Zanes room to see him covered in blankets. God it's so dark in here. I walk to the curtains and pull them open "get up and get dressed" he mumbles a no and get out. But we don't leave we stay in our spot.

We both grab zanes feet and pull them off the bed. "what the fuck" Alex repeats to get up. Zane looks pissed as hell "why do you even care? Why don't you just go to your new friends and leave me alone"

      ok now I get it he's mad that we haven't included him in what we do with jay and Thomas but how can we when he's ignoring us. Alex moves to his closet and take out his clothes. "When were you going to tell me jaylens pregnant"

      so knows but who talk him. "Who told you?" He shakes his head "so it is true? She's pregnant and you didn't tell me?" I sighed "i could I tell you if you ignore me and besides you constantly talk bad about her so why would I?"

       I know for a fact he doesn't like Jaylen because he talks lots of shit about her without knowing her. "She's a bad influence that's why"

     I shake my head at him. My stomach starts to feel weird as I stand up. Alex looks at me "are you ok dude?" But before I can answer I bolt out the door with both of them in tow.

God I absolutely hate throwing up. Good thing it isn't jaylen throwing up she'd be a demon like that. I run to the front lawn and throw up in the bushes.

     I hear the car door slam "you ok?" I nodded as Jaylen looks back at Zane and Alex. "Remind me not to eat lucky charms again" she laughed and said "will do now sit down I don't need you throwing up in the car I just got it detailed" I know she's joking because she has not in fact gotten the car detailed.

Jaylen sits next to me on the porch stairs and starts rubbing my back as I compose myself. Zane watches the whole interaction still on the fence if he wants to come with us.

     I get up and say "alright in the car I need licorice" I walk to the car not caring if they follow. I'm being serious about the licorice I absolutely hate it but well I like it now I guess. Damn kid and his cravings.

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