Kidnapper's POV

I look at the lady, apparently this stupid chick doesn't understand the rules even though I repeated them many times, I grab her arm and honestly I don't care if I hurt her because this blonde idiot has crossed the limit now "We'll go for a little trip" I say and look at her, she glares at me, wow what a news, my god she's so annoying like seriously stop glaring at me dumb bitch, anyway I put a piece of cloth in her mouth and tie it behind her head maybe in this way she'll finally shut up for once, I also tie her hands again, this time in front of her so I can see if she tries again to free herself but I put the rope in a way that she can't get it so hopefully she'll listen to the rules this time, it's really late at night now so we shouldn't meet other people out of the house.

I walk behind her to make sure that she doesn't try to escape while I'm not looking and push her if she stops walking, something that unfortunately happened only two times, we arrive at the car and I open the trunk "You'll stay there" I say and pull her hard near the trunk, damn it! A man saw us and is coming in our direction, congrats blonde idiot if it wasn't for you we could've been away from here by now "Hey! What's going on here?" the man asks and looks at me in the eyes "Nothing, now you can go." I reply firmly "Well it doesn't seem like nothing" he says and I'm really starting to lose my patience, what does this idiot want from me? Why can't he just go away and leave us the hell alone? Oh great now the stupid lady starts to squirm, that's enough! I push her behind me and she almost hits the car with her back but honestly I don't care, I kick her on the shin and grab my knife, the man tries to take the knife away from my hand as I walk up to him "Wrong day to decide to act like a hero" I say and stab him three times and on the fourth I go further into his abdomen with the knife but since that isn't enough, I stab him a few other times just for fun, then I turn around and look at her "See? This is your fault and the next one to end up like this will be you if you don't pay attention at your next move" I say and the lady looks at me with fear in her eyes, she's finally scared, killing the man in front of her was a good idea she's so scared now because of that so for sure after this she won't decide to do other stupid things, I make her lay in the trunk of the car and this time she's more obedient than others so she lets me do that without complaining, then I close the trunk and get a sheet from the backseat of the car.

I'll get rid of the body later but I can't leave it here so I wrap it in the sheet and bring it in the house, I put that man wrapped in the sheet in the cupboard near the stairs that bring to the basement, since right now I don't have time for this, after that is done I go back outside and get in the car, I look around to make sure that no one else is there or that saw what happened, I don't want any witness and then I start driving.

Gibbs POV

I slowly start to open my eyes as I keep feeling something on my face and a weight on my abdomen and chest, when I'm able to take a better look of every single thing in the room, I see Lucy standing on me and she keeps licking my face "Stop please..." I say with a thread of voice, luckily, after some minutes, she moves away from me and lays next to me and now my face is all sticky because of her drool, that's probably what in the nightmare was blood.

I feel the sweat all over my body, I should really go in the bathroom and freshen up so I get up from the bed with a bit of difficulty and go to open the door of the bedroom, Lucy rushes downstairs meanwhile I go in the bathroom, take off my shirt and walk up to the sink, I turn on the tap and hear the sound of the water flowing down, this calms me down a little but still I'm overwhelmed by the nightmare. I lower my head a little and put some water on my face then I raise it and look at the's all black and for some seconds I see it blurry but when I'm able to focus on the mirror I...I see Jack...she's laying on the floor and she has a gunshot on her forehead and three on her abdomen...just like the nightmare...blood all around her, I'm terrified at the view of all that so I look down and...and there's blood in the sink and also flowing down instead of water...I quickly step back in fear of everything that I’m seeing and I hit the door with my back really hard...that hurt...I slide down and sit on the floor with my head in my hands, luckily after a while, when I raise my head I see all normal again.

After washing my face again, I hear Lucy barking like crazy and immediately rush downstairs, I see her standing in front of the front door and scratching it while barking, it doesn't seem that she wants to stop, I look around and see that some things have been moved and for sure I didn't do that...did someone come in the house while I was sleeping...? I have no memory of moving all those things and Lucy couldn't have done that...
I take my gun, I slowly go back to the door and slowly open it, Lucy immediately rushes out and starts running on the street, before that, the only thing that I could see were the lights of a car but it was far from us. I walk to my pick-up and see something under the windscreen wipers, I get closer to take a better look, it seems to be a little letter, I slowly take it and start reading it:

"You had your girlfriend really close to you but you didn't notice her, you don't care about her and the baby, you just care about yourself and they aren't important for you otherwise you would've already found them.
Now you don't have much time to find them"

For sure this is from the person that kidnapped Jack but...what does he mean by 'you had your girlfriend really close to you but you didn't notice her'? When did it happen? If I had her close to me, I would've noticed her...that's for sure...I feel so bad after this, I feel tears streaming down my face, this is so painful and now I'm completely alone since I have no idea of where Lucy went.
I go in front of the door and sit down, I look at the street, I can't stop thinking about Jack, I miss her so much and I need her, I need them more than anything else...After a while I see something running towards's Lucy! She comes to me and licks my hand "Don't do something like this again..." I say and lean my back on the door while she lays next to me.

Kidnapper's POV

Luckily the dog stopped running after my car otherwise it would've been a problem and I surely don't need another problem, I keep driving, soon it'll be the moment to get rid of the lady and honestly I can't wait to do that but for now I must be content to make her suffer, nothing more than that otherwise I'll ruin my plan. I arrive at home and park the car in the driveway, I get out and make sure that no one is around then I go to the trunk of the car and open it, I grab the lady's arm and pull her to make her stand up, she mumbles something but I can't understand what anyway I don't care, I bring her in the basement and make her sit down "You're starting to understand the rules, that's good" I say as I caress her cheek "I went in your house, your boyfriend was sleeping, he doesn't care about you otherwise he would've already found you, oh and that dog that you have is really annoying" I say and she looks at me, I untie the knot behind her head and take the piece of cloth "Wanted to say something?" I ask, she looks at me "No..." she replies in a low tone of voice "Good" I say and leave the basement, she was so scared of the fact that I could've hurt her if she talked and that's good.

I take the body wrapped in the sheet and put it in the trunk of the car, I start driving, now I'm sure that if I leave the lady alone she won't even think about escaping, she's too scared to even try to react when I do things that bother her, that's good and anyway soon I'll get rid of her so I'll get rid of another problem. I arrive at a lake, I get out of the car and make sure that there's no one that could see me then I take the body and I drag him into the lake.

I hope that you liked this chapter, soon there'll be another one.
If you want leave in the comments your thoughts about this chapter, I would really appreciate it.

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