A month after

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Jack's POV
A month had passed since Gibbs and I got together, he makes me feel so loved and I can't even explain how much I love him, during this month I also met another part of him, he keeps being silent most of the times but in certain moments he becomes really sweet with me, sometimes he gives me the honor of hearing words coming out of his mouth and not just one, it can be also ten other times, instead, the majority of times he shows me his love with small gestures that I always appreciate, the simplest little gestures can be the ones that make you feel really happy and at the same time so loved. Honestly I like even when he acts as the Gibbs of everyday like he does at work, I'm completely fine with that.
During this month he really overcame himself,  he's used to stare at me for 10-15 minutes per day and one day he stared at me for one hour, when I started walking around the room, he followed me with his eyes and when I asked questions he remained silent, it seemed like if he was completely disconnected from reality, it seemed that he would've never stopped staring at me but it didn't bother me at all.
Sometimes I still think about that night, the way in which we got together was exhilarating and unique.
The look on his face when I answered "maybe" to that question was the best thing, he seemed happy but at the same time a bit confused...I won't ever forget that night, actually it's kinda impossible to forget, we became a couple even though it was an unexpected way to get together.
What if that night I didn't call him honey? What if to that question I didn't answer "maybe"? Would we be together now? I have no idea, probably it would've taken more time for us to become a couple and sincerely I prefer that the things went in this way.
I kept thinking about what he meant when, on the same day, at work he told me that I was confusing him, since he never explained me what he meant by that, I arrived at the conclusion that the confusion he talked about, was maybe stemmed by the feelings that he was feeling for me, he couldn't keep hiding them and he was kinda scared from that or at least it seemed like that.
I've never seen him so smily like in this last month although that happens just when he's with me and when I see him smile, it makes me feel deeply happy and honestly he's really cute when he smiles. Knowing that I’m the cause of all those smiles, fills me with an immense happiness.
I wake up, I'm laying on him with my head resting on his chest and I'm not wearing my clothes. I can hear his heartbeat, I smile slightly and then look at the window while I keep my head on his chest, it's raining...I look at the raindrops that are sliding down the windowpane, it looks like they are racing. I get up trying to not wake him, I take his shirt from the floor, put it on and slowly approach the window, I look out, the sun hasn't risen yet and there is still a slight darkness.
I keep looking out of the window, lost in the sound of the rain that seems to hypnotize me. I don’t realize that Gibbs woke up, he hugs me from behind and kisses me on the cheek "Good morning" I say in a soft voice and smile slightly then I put my hands on his "Good morning" he says after a few minutes. We stay for a little while like that and then we both get dressed and go in the kitchen, he starts to grab what he needs to cook but I move him away and start cooking "Jack, I won't burn down the kitchen and I cooked many other times" he says, I look at him and chuckle softly "It's not that I'm scared of the fact that you could burn down the kitchen...maybe" I say and keep cooking...I wanted to cook, there isn't an actual reason but I wouldn't be surprised if he burns down the kitchen while cooking "Can I at least prepare coffee?" he asks, I also realize that this morning he's talking more than usual, he's probably in a really good mood "No" I answer, he can’t stay even for a second without doing anything "Ok, then I'll help" he says and hugs me from behind "And this is helping?" I ask and roll my eyes "Yeah, can’t you see that my help is indispensable now?" he replies "Idiot" I say and smile slightly "You call idiot someone else" he says in a slightly annoyed tone, I chuckle softly, turn around and kiss him then I keep cooking. After some minutes I finish cooking and look at him, today he's a bit different from the past days, he really seems more relaxed and it's good to see him like this "See? Without my help you would've never made it" he says and looks back at me while smiling "Yeah...sure, you helped me a lot" I say and hit him playfully on the arm and then I bring the breakfast at the table and we both sit on the chairs.
We still have some free time before going to work.

Gibbs' POV
We're sitting at the table and we're having breakfast, in the meanwhile I keep looking at her, she's the most precious thing that I have in my life and when I look at her it seems like if I'm looking at my world, all enclosed in one person...one wonderful person. Sometimes when I look at her I get lost, I only see her and all the things that surround us suddenly disappear, she was and is my little light in this deep darkness, my salvation that day by day helps me to go on. She gave me back the joy of living and I'm so lucky and grateful to have her by my side.
Again, I look up at her, she looks back and smiles slightly, she's so cute and I can't help but smile at her. She has this weird power of making me smile without an apparent reason every now and then that I look at her, she makes me so happy without doing anything and, honestly, I like this.
"Hon" she says and looks at me "What?" I ask "I love you" she says and smiles at me "I love you too" I answer after a few minutes, she keeps smiling...jeez, she's so perfect and when she smiles she's even more perfect. After a little we finish breakfast and, since we still have some more time to spend alone together before going to work, we go to sit on the couch and cuddle a little, spending time with her is maybe the thing that I enjoy the most, I can't take my eyes off of her, she's so beautiful. I put my arm around her neck and she looks at me and caresses my cheek "How are you?" she asks while she keeps looking at me "Fine" I answer and kiss her on the forehead, she smiles slightly at me. This last month with her was seriously so good and now I can't and don't want to imagine my life without her, for sure it would be empty again...probably even more...I don't want to lose her...

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