Can't wait to see you

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Gibbs' POV

I wake up, I look at the other side of the bed and the first question that comes to my mind is: where's Jack? 

I get up and look around, Lucy isn't in the room then I think that I know where is Jack but why she didn't wake me up? I told her to wake me up, not only if she had to throw up but also if she had any other problem or just wanted company. I walk to the door of the bedroom and as soon as I walk through the doorway Lucy runs towards me "Luc, I already know where she is" I say and sigh, she starts walking around me and then pushes me in the bathroom direction "Luc I told you that I know where she is" I say but she doesn't stop, this is kinda annoying but I appreciate her behavior in these cases.

I walk in the bathroom but I don’t see Jack right away, I look around and see her leaning against the wall while looking up at the ceiling, her mouth is still a bit dirty so I grab a washcloth and slowly sit next to her. She keeps looking up "Jack" I say trying to recall her attention, she looks at me and I gently clean her mouth "Thank you.." she says in a low tone of voice and rests her head on my shoulder "What hour is it?" she asks, she seems a bit off and I keep looking at her "What hour is it?" she asks again "6:30 a.m." I finally answer and keep looking at her, today she seems different from the usual and I would like to understand what’s bothering her "Hon I have to go..." she says and stands up, I grab her hand and she looks at me "Why you didn't wake me up?" I ask "You looked so peaceful and relaxed...and I didn't want to wake you up..." she answers, I get up too and she hugs me "Next time I'll wake you up if that's what you want...but now I really have to go.." she says, kisses me and leaves.

*2 hours later*

I'm pretty sure that Jack has gone to work by now, at least she can go to work...yeah ok, she's right I miss going to work, the thing that I kinda miss the most is going in her office in the morning or afternoon and bring her a coffee, I couldn't do that anyway since she's pregnant and can't drink coffee, but still I miss seeing her with her reading glasses on, reading profiles and then looking up at me, also I miss hiding in her office so that I don't have to listen to those three always talking about us, there isn't anything that I could do about it, the only thing I can do is wait and see what Vance decides to do...
I think about this for a little while as I work on my boat then I go upstairs in the living room and sit on the couch with Lucy, I look at the wall since I don't have much to do, because seriously I have no idea of what I could do and honestly this is kinda frustrating, every day seems the same and it's becoming really boring.

After some time an idea comes up in my mind so I get up and go upstairs in the guest room, I look around, this could be a good room for the baby and it's also near our room so that if something happens we'll know immediately, I start to move everything away from that room so that after we, maybe just me, will put everything that it's needed for the baby, well at least now I'm doing something useful and yeah...I know that maybe Jack would like to help but since I've got nothing else to do I figured that she would like even more if the room was ready for all the things that we'll need, I'm kinda glad that Jack isn't here because for sure she'd want to help with this but, since she's pregnant, I don't want her to get tired or maybe hurt herself while moving something, she needs to rest and I'll try my best to make it as easy as possible for her, she'll have time to boss me around when we'll prepare the room, I know she will do that and just the thought of it makes me chuckle, anyway as I walk around while moving all the furniture out of the room, Lucy looks at me and sometimes she also gets in the middle of my way, I mean sure she's cute but I need to work without a moving obstacle that gets in the way, but finally after some time she gets bored of following me and stays in the center of the room, at least there she can't disturb be me or get in my way.

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