13 - 🍋 Bakutodo (Demon AU)

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"A summoning ritual...?" Todoroki stared at the cover of the ragged book Kirishima had handed to him, not fully understanding what exactly his classmate was talking about. "Yup! The book explains the rest, let me know how it goes!" Kirishima gave him a thumbs up and a grin before darting off, leaving behind a very confused Todoroki.

Placing the book into his bag he made a mental note to read it back at the dorms that evening, who knows, maybe it could be helpful?


Placing the book down in front of him on the floor, Todoroki took a deep breath before reaching towards the cover. He felt a chill go down his spine as he opened it but tried to ignore it, pinning the uneasy feeling on nerves. To his relief, the cover flopped open without issue and he got to reading, eventually reaching a page inscribed with what looked like incantations. Although he knew this could be a very bad idea, he was also fairly confident that this wasn't going to do anything - picking one and taking a deep breath before starting to read aloud.

As the final word left his mouth he paused, waiting for something to happen. He sat still for a few minutes before shaking his head slightly and closing the book, placing it on his desk and climbing into bed. "Of course Kirishima would believe in something like that," he mumbled to himself, letting himself drift off to sleep.


The next morning, as he sat up and wiped the sleep from his eyes, Todoroki froze at what he was seeing. There, sat calmly at the foot of his futon, was a figure that was definitely inhuman staring right back at him with piercing red eyes. "Good morning, sleeping beauty," a sly grin formed on the figure's face as he rose to his feet - giving Todoroki a better idea of what exactly he'd managed to get himself into.

Curved, black horns protruded from his spiky blonde hair and 4 feathered wings from his back. Decorative, tattoo-like markings adorned his figure - which was decidedly bigger than a human's - and his choice of clothing was... Interesting to say the least.

"W-Who are you... And why are you in my room...?" was all the stunned, two-toned boy could stammer out, hearing a smooth chuckle in response. "What? Horns and wings didn't give it away...? I'm a demon, of course. Last night you summoned me, so here I am. Do you have any other stupid questions~?" Todoroki simply shook his head in response, climbing out of bed onto his feet and gulping at the height difference. The 'demon' appeared to be around a foot taller than him, Todoroki's eyes being level with his shoulders. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit attracted to the muscular figure in front of him...

A sharp knock at his door made his eyes widen, hearing Kirishima's voice from the other side. "Morning Todoroki! Did you do it? How'd it go!?" his excitement was obvious, and Todoroki just stood in silence as he tried to come up with a response. "I'll... Tell you downstairs..." he called back through, relieved that his excuse was enough to delay the inevitable. "...So uh... Demon, do you have a name...?" he glanced over at the male who was presently wandering around his room, exploring it. "Yeah, the name's Katsuki Bakugo, yours?" he tilted his head slightly, awaiting an answer. "S-Shoto Todoroki..." he cursed himself for stuttering as the de- Bakugo, turned to him and clicked his fingers, a metal-like cuff materialising around Todoroki's wrist as one simultaneously formed a collar around Bakugo's neck. Todoroki didn't need to ask for an explanation this time, his startled expression saying it all. "You summoned me, we're bound together now. The furthest we can be from each other is around 10 metres, after that, you'll be pulled back towards me," he casually stated, making his way to the door.

[18+] MHA Smut/Fluff One-shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora