Chapter 5 - A Second Chance At Confessing

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A few weeks later...

Location - (L/N) Residence, (Y/N)'s Room

Your POV

Rin and I went over to my place after school for today. We had a few homework assignments that needed to get done this week, so we agree that we would come over to my house and study, since my parents are going to be at the research lab all night. While Rin and I were doing our math homework, I began to think about how badly my confession to Hina went. I think she wanted to confess, as well, but it sounded like she failed, too. Rin can see that I was starting to get distracted, and brought me back to reality. What a good friend.

"Hey, what's with you today? We got homework we need to do." Rin said with a chuckle.

"Oh, my bad. Let's get back into it." I said and continued to work on my homework.

Rin was starting to become worried...

"(Y/N), I don't think you can focus with the way you're behaving." Rin said. "Unless... did something happened during your date with Hina-chan?!"

"You could say that..." I said, then explained how I tried to tell Hina that I loved her, but it ended up being a total bust.

"Oh, I see." Rin said as she slowly nods at my situation.

"What do I do? I really like Hina a lot." I said.

Rin smiled.

"I know you do, and I can see that. What I think you should do, though, is try to confess to her, and do ONLY that. Don't worry about anything else." Rin told me.

She's right, I should just find it in myself to focus on my confession and worry about the end results later.

"Yeah, I think I can do that. Thanks, Rin." I said while smiling at my best friend.

"Anything for you, buddy. Now, how about we finish this homework?" Rin suggested. I nodded in agreement, and we did just that.

Location - Hikawa Residence, Hina's Room

Hina's POV

For the last few days, I have been sulking in my room because of how badly my confession went... I'm pretty sure (Y/N) wanted to tell me something before the documentary started, but he didn't get a chance to say it. And when the documentary ended, he never brought it up again...

I wonder if he was trying to confess to me. If that was case, then why didn't he tell me when the documentary ended? I'm starting to feel hurt while thinking about it. And while I was trying to rack my brain around this, my sis came into my room rather concerned.

"Hina, is everything okay?" She asked.

"Ah, sis. Yeah, I am okay." I answered half-heartedly.

"Are you sure about that? You haven't been in my room to piss me off like you normally do." Sis said. Oh, I guess I haven't been doing that, have I?

"Hehe, my bad." I said softly.

"Hina, what's going on? Did something happened during your date with (Y/N)-kun?"

She guessed right, I'll say that.

"Yeah, something happened..." I said.

My sis closed the door for privacy, then I told her how I tried to confess to (Y/N), but ended up making a fool of myself... After explaining myself, my sister placed her hand on my back, trying to calm me down.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. But I believe you can still tell him how you feel before it's too late." My sis said.

"You think I can do it...?" I asked, looking at my sister while feeling a little nervous.

"I don't think you can do it. I know you can do it. You never let anything stop you before, so why stop now?"

That made me realize my sister is right. I usually don't think about my actions and plow straight through. I just need to believe in myself, and just confess to him.

"Thanks, sis! I'm going to take care of that now." I said.

My sis simply smiled before leaving my bedroom, then I went to my phone texted (Y/N). I asked him to come meet me at the park tomorrow after school for something important. I can do it.

The next day...

Location - The Park

Your POV

I made my way to the park right away school was done for the day. The fact that it felt sudden must mean that Hina wanted to see me right away. Once I got to the park, I did my best to keep an eye out for Hina. At first, I couldn't find her, but eventually, I found her. She was sitting on a bench, staring at her phone. When she saw me, she waved and offered me a spot next to her. I sat down beside her.

"Hey, Hina, I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long." I said.

"No, not at all. I'm happy that you were able to come." Hina replied.

Hina and I hugged each other, and chatted about what happened during school for today. Afterwards, Hina and I went silent, unsure what we should talk about next. But then, I figured now will be a good chance to tell her how I feel.

"Hina, I have something important to tell you." I said.

"You do? So do I." Hina replied.

"Oh, should we say it at the same time, then?" I suggested.

"Good idea."

And so, at the count of three, we both said...

"I love you! Wait, you do?"

We both couldn't help but laugh.

"I guess we both feel the same way about each other." I said.

"Yeah, we do." Hina replied. "But I didn't think you would like me back, though."

"Of course I do. You're the most amazing person I have met, you never cease to amaze me." I said.

Hina started to blush a little and I did the same thing. Seeing her behave like this is making my heart skip a beat. Before I knew it, though, Hina and I moved closer to each other, wrapped our arms around each other, then our lips softly connect, starting a kiss. My first kiss with a girl, and it is amazing.

After a few minutes of kissing, we broke it, and we just stared at each other. But I know exactly what to ask next.

"Hina, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes. I'd be happy to."

To be continued

A/N: This chapter is done and dusted, and I hope you guys like it. Coming up is two chapters that weren't in the original book, so I hope you guys are looking for that. See you guys in the next chapter. :)

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