Chapter 10 - Feeling Awkward

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Several days later...

Location - Hikawa Residence, Hina's Room

Hina's POV

After witnessing (Y/N) and my sister kissing, I have spent most of my time in my room being sad and depressed. I have only been going to school, and nowhere else. I haven't been going to the Talent Agency. I've been ignoring all the invites my friends have been giving me. After everything I'm going through, what's the point in hanging out with anyone?

(Y/N) has been calling and texting me, saying that we should meet up so he can explain what really happened. He even explained it in text, but I didn't read it. I guess this is me being stubborn at this point.

Knock knock

Someone started to knock at my door, and a familiar voice as well.

"Hina, can you open the door? I need to talk to you."

It was my sister. Just like how she has pushed me away, it is my turn to push her away. Though I can't help but think that this is out of character for me. After a sigh, I went over to go open the door.

"What is it, sis?" I asked.

"Look, I know you're upset with (Y/N)-kun and me right now. But can you please at least let me explain what happened on that day? This has gone on long enough." Sis pleaded.

"I guess..."

"Thanks. Don't worry, this won't take long."

So my sis came into my room and sat on my bed, then she ended up explaining to me that a bystander accidentally pushed her into (Y/N), causing their lips to make contact. I think (Y/N) told me something similar to this, but again, I was too busy being stubborn to believe him.

After hearing about this from my own sister, I began to think that maybe it was wrong of me to block (Y/N) out of my life, and pushing my sister away. They're the most important people in my life, and without them, I wouldn't be happy at all.

"Sis, I'm... so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you or (Y/N)-kun. I just believed... he actually cheated on me with you." I said as tears began to roll out of my eyes.

My sis moved closer and started to hug me while I was crying.

"I accept your apology." My sis replied. "But now there is only thing you need to do."

"Yeah, I understand..."

I need to go find my (Y/N) and bring him back into my life, I really do need him.

Location - Residential Area

(Y/N) didn't answer his phone and he wasn't at his house, so I decided to search for him everywhere. From the station entrance, to the shopping district, to the mall... I even checked the campus of his private school, but sadly, I couldn't find him there either. I felt like I was starting to give up, so I began to my way home, feeling defeated.

"(Y/N)-kun... where are you?" I asked myself while in depression.

He probably hates me and wants nothing to do with me by now. If I can go back in time and fix everything, I could. I would do it in a heartbeat.

As I continued walking, I spotted someone across the street. My eyes widen as I saw who it was. Standing on the other side was (Y/N).

"(Y/N)-kun!" I called out.

He looked towards me. And just like our first encounter, my heart started beating fast.

Your POV

I was surprised to see Hina calling out to me. After everything that happened several days ago, I thought she wouldn't talk to me again. Maybe she got over it? Or maybe Sayo told her what really happened? Either way, this was an awkward moment.

"Hina... what are you doing here?" I asked awkwardly.

She darted over to the other side of the street and gave me a big hug. This was still a bit awkward for me, but I was still happy that she is no longer ignoring me.

"Oh (Y/N)-kun, I am sorry that I got upset with you." Hina began. "You were the only boy that I have ever been in love with, so I was scared that you might've cheated on me."

I see how it is, but I guess that is understandable. Hina was actually the first girl I have been in love with, and if I was her, I would be upset, too.

"I take it Sayo told you what really happened?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I guess it was silly for me to think that sis would be in love with you, especially when she was the reason I got into a relationship with you." Hina said as her face was planted into my chest.

I couldn't help but smile by her words. I hugged her for a while, and we shared a kiss. It only lasted a few minutes, but it was fine. I am just happy to have Hina back in my life again. We broke the kiss, and I looked into her eyes.

"Come on, Hina, let's go home now." I said softly to her. I noticed some tears were coming out of Hina's eyes as well.

"Yeah, good idea." Hina replied before we held hands.

We began to walk across the street, and headed off for home. While we were walking, though, a car was coming in much too fast. I couldn't let Hina get hurt by this, so I pushed her to the other side, then...


To be continued

A/N: Did I really end it like that? Yes, I did. What will happen to (Y/N) now? Read the next chapter to find out. Also, we have officially reached the halfway mark of this book. Hopefully, I can keep the pace going and finish the book soon. :)

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