Chapter 7- Steel Blade

Start from the beginning

"You and your brother are weak," Stain said with disgust, digging his heel in a little further. "That's because you're both fake."

"Shut... up...!" Iida choked out. "My brother... is a great hero! He saved... so many people! And the damage you did... to his spinal cord... means he's crippled for life! He may never be able to do hero work again! There was... no reason for you to go after him! In fact, he was my hero who inspired my dreams! So that's why... I'll kill you!"

"Save him first."

The pressure on his chest loosened. Iida tilted his neck, much to his discomfort, to see Frost Burn pointing at Native.

"You could've been trying to save him," he said. "before pursuing your own goals. It would've been admirable, saving like others a true hero."

Iida glared at him. "I don't want to be admired by scum like you!"

"Watch it," Stain said, pressing his shoe down. "Using your power to act out of self-interest, that's the opposite of a hero," the sword touched the tip of Iida's nose, "that's why you have to die." He grabbed the knife that slashed the engine-quirked user, giving it a long lick.

"Ergh!" Iida muscles seemed to freeze. The wouldn't lift or move, no matter how hard he tried to move them.

'...Get up!' he struggled uselessly. 'You... need to... defeat him!'

"Perish for the betterment of society." Stain said, raising his sword. 

Iida could only stare at the tip. This couldn't be it... could it? Would everything be useless? Would those villains really get away with everything? He tried pulling up his body again. It didn't work. He stared at the glistening sword, and he thought it was going to plunge.

It was.

But then, from behind, Frost Burn said, "Wai-"

He never got to finish, as a sudden bolt of green lightening burst from out of nowhere, punching Stain straight in the face. 

Iida knew that lightening. He'd seen it all the time. It was, it was-


"Iida!" he yelled, lightening still crackling. "I'm here to save you!"

'No, what are you doing here?!' Iida screamed in his mind, still fighting a losing battle to get up because Midoriya is there, in danger because of him.

"Midoriya, why- how-"

"I saw on the news," Midoriya said, eyes switching between Stain and Frost Burn. "that sixty-percent of the Hero Killer's victims were discovered around deserted blind areas. I've searched all over to find you!" he shielded his friend, "Can you move? Try and get to the main road and find some Pro Heroes!" 

"No... I can't," Iida said, still struggling. "It must be his quirk."

"People were saying that," Midoriya mumbled, eyeing Native. "So he needs to cut you to get it to work...? AGH-!"

Ice rushed at him, but he shattered it just before it could trap him. Iida's desperation only grew. There was no reason the green-haired teen should've been there.

"Midoriya," Iida said, broken chips of wall and steel digging into him. His friend shouldn't be here, not when they're here too. "Stop interfering! This has nothing to do with you!"

Midoriya turned around, pale with horror. "What?!"

"A friend, huh?" Stain said, getting up, blades clinking. Power seemed to almost radiate from him. "Showing up to save him, right?" he nodded to Iida, "But I have to kill him and the other hero. So, if we're forced to fight, naturally, the strong will win and the weak will lose." 

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