chapter 8// watch your back

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i was sitting on my couch working from home when their was a knock at my door.

i got up and opened it to see normani with jazzy.

" hey princess" i said picking her up.

" hey mama" she said hugging me.

" i missed you" i said as i walked away from normani.

" i missed you too guess what" she said.

" what"

" mommy said i can spend the day with you" she said.

" oh really" i said looking at normani who didn't tell me any of this.

" yeppp" she said happily.

" baby why don't you go to your room so i can plan something for us to do today and talk to your mommy"

" okay" she said happily running off.

when i heard her feet go upstairs i looked at normani.

" so you couldn't i don't know send me a damn text that you were giving her to me today" i said slightly upset.

" okay and you're quote on quote her other parent right so it shouldn't matter when i bring her over" she said rolling her eyes at me.

" bruh what is good with you" i said.

" hmm let me see you first disrespected me in my house a few weeks back, then you have a damn baby by jenifer, and now you have a crazy ass stalker stalking us.. you're telling me you wouldn't have an attitude right about now" she said standing up.

" us" i questioned.

she sighed and pulled out this paper from the pocket of her sweats.

" this is what i found on my car"

the note read: you look so beautiful without make up i don't know why you put it on.. i can't wait to have your hand in marriage and sleep next to you with you knowing

" this is why i have an attitude y/n someone was IN my house IN my bed"

i stood up in pulled her into my arms as she started to cry.

" i didn't even know they were there" she mumbled.

"i know i want you and jaz to stay with me, at least i'll know you'll be a little safer" i said pulling away from her a bit.

she agreed and i kissed her head.

" i'm sorry you and little one got dragged into this" i sighed.

" it's-" their was a knock at the door.

i furrowed my eyebrows and pulled normani off me. i went to go walk away but she grabbed my hand. i looked back at her and she nodded towards the door.

we walked to it and i opened it to see jenifer.

" girl what do you-" she handed me the packet.

i opened it confidently with my answer of that its not mine until my eyes read over some of the words. i looked at the baby and looked at normani.

" so what does it say" normani asked folding her arms.

jenifer pushed by the both of us as i was in shock.

" it's mine" i said confused and shocked at the same time.

" it's what" she said evil eyeing me.

" it's somehow mine but i never-"

normani walked away and walked upstairs. i groaned and palmed my head.

" can shit get any worse" i asked as i looked up to see a bear with a purple rose and card sitting in the middle of my driveway.

" that wasn't their before" i mumbled about to close the door as my phone rung.

it was blair calling. i picked it up and spoke.

" yeo brotha how you been you okay" i asked.

" you might wanna go back and pick that gift up i left you" the voice said.

" how do you keep on doing this shit bruh" i said opening the door back up.

" pick it up y/n or some bad shit will start happening starting with the girls upstairs" he chuckled.

" alright alright i'm going" i said walking outside and picking the stuff up.

" now what"

" open the card" he said.

i opened it and it said watch your back in big letters.

i rolled my eyes and sighed.

" what do you want from me" i asked shutting the door. " you want money i can give you money how much to just go the fuck away" i said walking into the kitchen for a drink of alcohol.

" no amount of money could make me go away... i want everything" they said then hung up.

i heard arguing in the living room and it sounded like normani and jenifer.

" just kill me" i said taking a shot and heading towards the living room to stop what was going on.

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