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Upon request, Chan arrives at school thirty minutes earlier than usual, and he's dragged into the building by Jisung and Changbin.

After being pretty much shoved into the library, (although Changbin was a little gentler), Chan's eyes immediately land on Felix.

So, he's here, too.

But to Felix's surprise, instead of looking confused and maybe even a little scared, Chan just smiles and waves at him.

Felix has barely any time to give a small wave back before the elder is "escorted" to a table.

Jisung plops into a seat across from Chan and gives a fake smile.

The rest of the boys are around the table too, some sitting next to him and a couple standing by Felix.

"You weren't kidding when you said 'interrogation'," Chan tries joking.

But Jisung rolls his eyes and maintains a glare.

"Right," Jisung starts.

"Right," Chan repeats, wearing an amused smile on his face.

"Is this funny to you?"

Chan raises his arms in defense. 

"No, not at all."

"First questio-"

"Alrighty! Hit me."

Chan interrupts, breathing deeply and cracking his knuckles, acting as if he's about to go to war. 

Felix laughs through his nose, and while Chan winks in his direction, Jisung gives the younger a pointed look.

Hyunjin and Seungmin appear to be slightly amused as well.

"Do you have any ex's?"

Felix winces.

Doesn't that question belong to the 'Too Personal' category?

Chan slowly nods.

"Yes. One."

"Did you both end on good terms?"

Felix kicks Jisung's foot from underneath the table, but Jisung doesn't bat an eye as he studies Chan for any sort of reaction.

Chan nods again.

"Yeah, the breakup was mutual."

The elder can't tell if Jisung believed him or not.

"What do these questions have to do with anything? If you don't mind me asking."

"I'm just making sure you didn't agree to be Felix's boyfriend to get back at an ex."

Chan forms his lips into the shape of an 'o', looking so innocent that Felix is overwhelmed by the sudden urge to take his face in his hands. 

"Which brings us to the next question: why did you say yes in the first place?"

Of course, he'd ask this.

It's no surprise really, the whole point of this 'interrogation' is probably to ask this question. 

This could've been a text conversation, but whatever.

"I'm not sure if you're looking for a particular answer," Chan begins, "but, and I'm being entirely honest here, I just... wanted to."

Everyone remains silent, waiting for the eldest to elaborate. 

"I mean, look at him!" 

Chan motions to Felix, whose eyes widen in surprise from all eyes suddenly on him.

"How could you not agree? He's so cute. He even used this little purple flower when he-"

"Ah-ah-ah, I gave him that flower."

For the second time, Chan makes an 'o' with his mouth and Felix swears to god he actually starts to reach for his boyfriend's face, but Chan's talking snaps him out of it. 

"Dude, that was such a good touch."

"I know right? At least someone appreciates-"

Jisung stops as he watches the eldest grin. 


He can't be all buddy-buddy with Chan just yet.

Or ever. 

The rest of the guys look at Jisung, looking amused by the fact that Chan had already won him over. 

Jisung shifts in his chair, trying to bring his pointed glare back into play.

And when he does, Chan sighs. 

"I know I haven't learned much about Felix, but I want to. And I think I deserve a chance to take care of him and try to make him happy before you shoo me away, you know?"

And there's nothing else to say.

Chan's right. 


I stayed up last night and wrote fluffy chapters for sunshine so now like five drafts are sitting here, waiting to be published in the distant future.

I didn't proofread this for a couple of reasons, so I apologize for mistakes 💀

𝕊𝕦𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕖 ᵕ̈ ↷ ⒸⓗⓐⓝⓛⓘⓧTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon