I. The Ascent of Two Travelers

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Alaina inhaled deeply, watching the stars flicker and shine against the black sky. The moon gave the woods a silver glow. Dark clouds rolled over the distant mountain, and she knew the storm would be here soon.

Alaina firmly held her partner's hand, shifting her gaze toward the ancient pine before them. She tucked a loose curl behind an ear and looked up into the mess of tangled branches, towering high above them.

Alaina exhaled. Her wings ached, and her feet were blistered. Her attire was unfit for the incoming storm. Lightening from the distant mountain lit the woods with a flash and sent the two travelers a deep rumble.

"We have to climb it." Alaina said, examining the dewy bark of the tree. Its soft shimmer taunted the travelers. She shifted her eyes down to her fingers, still interlaced with her partner's. Their hands looked so small in the moonlight, and the ascent felt impossible.

"We still don't know if it's empty," her partner sighed.

"Jasper," Alaina said, lovingly squeezing his hand. "The moonlight won't last much longer."

Jasper nodded in agreement. Alaina grasped a thick piece of bark and began her ascent.

The travelers had spent much of this day hidden within a moss patch, crouched together, escaping the cold in each other's embrace and observing a large nest, perched high overhead. From where they hid, the nest's grassy outline was barely visible, tucked high into the pine's mossy branches.

Spring was here, and the dense forest stirred with life. Alaina and Jasper both knew that meant Kuru. But, even as the mice scurried through the fading sunlight, making their nightly forages, nothing flew from the nest. Now, danger rumbled and flashed in the west, moving quickly toward the travelers and pushing them into decision.

Jasper climbed beside Alaina, his light brown hair appeared black in the moonlight. He wore a hooded cape made of woven leaves. The curled edges of the garment moved with the breeze. And, for a brief moment, his translucent, yellow wings were visible—beautiful and broken, unable to sustain flight.

For nearly two years, the couple's wings had been bound with leather strips, under the Rynthe tradition of Novii. Though sacred, the bindings had taken a toll on the travelers, mangling and crumpling their delicate wings. The initial injuries had healed, but neither traveler had yet regained the ability to fly.

The pair continued to scale the ancient pine together, slow and steady. Alaina reached for an edge above. Her sandal snagged a loose twig, and she slipped, losing her balance. Jasper caught her by the arm. And, with a deep grunt, he lifted her up onto an adjacent branch. Alaina situated herself, helping Jasper maintain his balance as he joined her on the branch.

"We'll rest for a moment." Jasper said.

Alaina examined her sandals. They were simple, carved out of oyster shell and bound with straps of rock-weed. The sandals were severely worn down, and the straps were too frayed to repair. They cut into her sore, swollen feet.

Alaina's sandals were made to walk the white beaches of her home village, Anatase. And, her travels through the valleys of granite and slate had taken a toll on the delicate materials. Alaina unstrapped both sandals, dropped them, and watched them disappear into the mossy floor below.

"Maybe there will be shell left." Alaina said, rubbing her bare feet. "And, feathers."

"Down-fluff." Jasper said with a smile. His tone hopeful.

Jasper's voice soothed Alaina. It always did, especially through the last few, brutal weeks.

A flash of lightening illuminated the forest, followed immediately by thunder. It boomed and violently shook the tree. The travelers covered their heads, avoiding falling pinecones and twigs.

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