VI. Wings of the Travelers

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Under the shadow of the Old Oak, Alaina and Spari rested together. Alaina gently pressed her back into Spari, looking into the skies and humming softly to the bird—her freshly bound wings cradled in the soft feathers of the Kuru. She looked out across the meadow, absorbing the peaceful rustle of grass and leaves in the afternoon breeze.

Spari curled his talons into the sandy grass and looked toward Muddy Creek. He rotated his head toward the sun, basking in the fading warmth while feeling the stones crunch beneath his feet.

The sun was low on the horizon and the meadow bustled with life—birds chirped, flying in and out the the oak's branches. The frogs released their sorrowed croaks of dusk, calling in the moon. The ladder to the pitfall tapped softly against the tree. The Kuru were always awake by this hour, wide-eyed, playful and curious, making it an ideal time to be together as kin.

"Whooo hoooo!" Jasper called out from the sky, soaring over the creek on Marin's back.

Alaina waved at the pair, whistling as loud as she could into the skies. Spari trilled and adjusted his wings, excitedly watching his brother glide through the skies overhead.

Marin was regal. His luminous, white feathers shimmered in the sun's waning rays. Marin's black beak was curved, sharp, and deeply accentuated by his amber eyes. Even from this distance, Alaina saw the face of a predator. The ferocity of Marin's face was a stark contrast to his fluffy, charcoal smudged body, which always reminded Alaina of the white sands of Anatase after the tide left it littered with driftwood.

Marin had a natural affinity for flying. Jasper spent two days in the meadow with Marin. Now, the Kuru was dipping around trees, chasing sparrows, and hunting mice from his place among the clouds. Marin owned the sky and knew it.

Spari was reluctant, however, preferring the safe banks of the creek to the openness of the sky. Alaina knew it was deeper than simple reluctance. Spari was connected to Alaina. As the weeks passed, Alaina began to suspect that a bond of heart was formed that fateful night within the nest.

A bond of heart was rare, but Jost told tales of animal's bonding to the hearts of their healers. Alaina's emotions were becoming Spari's. He felt her strength, her love, and also her loss. As Alaina struggled with her fate, so did Spari. Despite the Kuru's health and perfect wings, Spari took on Alaina's emotional struggles as his own. This bond also made him fiercely protective of Alaina.

"There are cat prints on the far side of the meadow. Big ones in the mud!" Jasper exclaimed, as the pair landed near the oak.

Marin tucked his wings back and lifted up his foot, a fat mouse wriggling in his talons. Spari extended his wings and let out a hoot. His eyes square on the dinner, squirming under Marin's foot. Marin ripped into the mouse, taking half the animal into his beak, before throwing the other half to his brother. Spari let out a quick hoot and flapped his wings, eagerly.

"Whoa!" Alaina exclaimed, gently patting Spari, nearly getting knocked over in the bird's excitement. "Let me move first."

"I should have expected that." Alaina giggled, walking over to Jasper.

Jasper sat in the tall grass, leaning back against the trunk of the old oak, snacking on a piece of honeycomb.

"Are you sure they were cat prints?" Alaina asked, removing her boots and placing them beside her partner.

"Oh, yes. Big ones. A mountain cat, most likely. That could be why the wood has been quiet lately." Jasper said, watching the Kuru search the grass for leftovers.

"I agree. It has been quiet. But, Marin and Spari are loud at night. The animals all know that there are Kuru in the den." Alaina said.

"We should be careful, nonetheless." Jasper said, breaking off a piece of the honeycomb for Alaina.

The Emerald Corridor: Kuru & The Travelersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن