VIII. An Endless Moon

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Alaina stared at the stars above. The damp, grassy sand was cool on her bare feet. She sat down, nestled her head into the feathers of Spari's back, and listened to his heartbeat, calm and comforting. Its rhythm enhanced the elation in Alaina's own heart. She ran her fingers over the braided tethers of her bindings and exhaled the emotion, the events of tonight.

The stars glittered with an intensity that Alaina had not noticed before this night. Her entire perspective had shifted, in a matter of minutes, under that Old Oak. She now understood how previous events of her life fit together, like solving one of Jost's puzzle-boxes, which had been carved from driftwood, just for her. She looked down at her hands, still caressing the braids, and realized how selfish she had been while lost in the pain, the grief. It all seemed so dull now, lost in the warmth of peace.

Finally, she was at peace, but Spari was paying the price, a reality that Alaina was determined to balance.

A full moon hovered on the horizon, illuminating the meadow and waters with its low, silver glow. It too emanated hope. Alaina traced its edges in her mind. Tonight changed everything, not only for her but also for Spari. When Spari awakens, Alaina will guide the Kuru through the spectrum of the bond of heart, show him real magic. She'd reverse his fears, and share every ounce of newfound peace through their bond.

Their bond like a message at the center of this puzzle box.

Alaina felt rejuvenated, a sensation that was foreign, and she treasured every moment of it. Tears streaked her face, as she listened to Spari's heartbeat, grateful that her feathered friend would be there tomorrow.

Alaina no longer feared the raw force of her magic. Love was her tether, and it was unfailing.

The tears continued to flow. Darkness and fear had been lifted from her heart. Her doubt had vanished and moonlight took its place.

"I'll make this right," Alaina whispered to Spari. "I promise you."

Alaina sat up and stroked the soft feathers of the night flyer's neck. His eyes remained closed, and Alaina imagined that he was dreaming of soaring through the clouds, or scooping up mice.

Alaina kissed his forehead, careful not to wake Spari. After the events of tonight, the Kuru needed this time to recover, both emotionally and physically.

"Dream well, my friend," Alaina whispered to her friend.

Alaina was unsure what lie in the days ahead. Alaina wrung her hands, her thoughts suddenly turned to Jasper and Marin. Despite her heightened optimism, Alaina knew her family wasn't out of danger yet. In fact, Jasper and Marin flew quickly in it's direction.

The cat was out there somewhere, prowling under the same silver moon. Perhaps, still hunting for the prey that it narrowly missed, just hours ago. Alaina's ears echoed with deafening roars of the cat. She shuddered and closed her eyes—an image the beast's eyes, reflecting the moonlight, raised the hairs on her neck. Alaina shook her head, willing away the images. Her pale, blue eyes returned to the moon, and her heart returned to Jasper and Marin.

Jasper and Marin went to scout Granite Valley. The Kuru was a night flyer, with the ears, eyes and speed of a predator. Marin was built to hunt. He could find the mountain cat, even in the dense woods, under the cover of nightfall. If necessary, the pair would distract and lure the cat far away from Alaina and Spari's vulnerable position on the exposed sands near Muddy Creek.

With wide eyes, Alaina turned to face to the sky.

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