Chapter 5 - the statement

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I left the detectives office to see Dr Lecter waiting for me patiently, with his legs crossed and his trench coat on his lap. He stood up seeing me approach and the detective followed me.
"Are you her guardian?" Detective Phell asked Dr Lecter, since I was still classified as a minor.
"Indeed" he replied.
"Alright. We'll look into it and Miss. Brooke... you did the right thing" the detective assured me by giving me a squeeze on my shoulder and walked away with my statement.
"How was it?" Dr. Lecter asked me as he escorted me outside. I sighed as I ruffled my hair up.
"Over whelming, stressful, scary, stomach turning" I answered Dr Lecter.

Once we got outside, I pulled out a packet of my cigarettes to see I had only five left. Dr Lecter stared me up and down as he put his trench coat on.
"I highly recommend you quit. You are only 17" he reminded me, holding his hand out. I stared down at his hand then my packet.
"It's not that easy" I whispered to him. He slanted his head at me, still holding his hand out.
"I only want what's best for you" he added on, in attention of pursuation. I put a cigarette between my lips and I placed down the packet on his hand, making sure I put some force onto it. He stuffed it into his pocket and I lit my 'last' cigarette. I made a mental note to not smoke around him, or else I will get them confiscated.
"I'm stressed, let me have this" I groaned to him as he stared at me disappointed.
"There are plenty other methods to deal with stress, like cooking" he suggested to me as we walked down the street. I let out another blow from my cigarette. I snorted, thinking about me in the kitchen.
"Honestly, I could burn pasta. I'm terrible At cooking" I giggled. He smiled to me as he put his hands in his coat pockets, since there was a breeze in the air.
"How do you feed your two brothers?" He questioned me.
"Cereal, microwave meals, takeaways, salads. The easy stuff" I informed him.
"Oh, I must cook for your family one day" he offered. I tapped some ash off my cigarette, shaking my head at him.
"You don't owe me that" I chuckled to him as we walked down the street, side by side.
"Correct, but it's a favour. A gift if you will" he smiled to me. I smiled back at him and he opened up his car door for me.
"After you" he smirked. I threw my cigarette on the side walk, giving him a warm smile then sitting down in his Bentley.
"Thank you, doctor"
"Please, call me Hannibal"

He collected my brothers from school with me and gave us a ride home so we didn't have to walk. I was grateful for him, he has done so much for me. More than my mum has done for me in a year in the space of two days.

I opened up the front door and the boys ran in to their toys. Elise hurried over to the front door to see me and she had a worried face. I raised an eyebrow at her while I hung my coat up.
"What's up?" I asked her, confused.
"I tried calling you. Ten times! God, why can't you answer?! I was worried shitless!" she shouted at me. I was a little taken back and scoffed in her face.
"I was at the police station if you will. Get off my back!" I shouted back. I tried to walk away from her yet she followed after me.
"You're still 17! You're my little sister and my responsibility!" She reminded me angrily. I sarcastically smiled and spun around to face her.
"Don't forget that you left! Don't act all high and mighty!" I screamed back, forgetting Riley and Dylan could hear all this.
"Well I'm here now arent i?!" She raised her arms up at me. Anger was written all over her face, as was mine.
"Only a matter of time" I whispered to her. She slowly chewed the inside of her cheek, planting her hands on her hips as she stared into my eyes.
"You're a real bitch, you know that?" She asked me rhetorically.
"Fuck off! I am sorry I'm not perfect. I'm sorry nobody is here to lecture me and raise me to be a better person!" I scoffed.
"I'm here! You never ever let me redeem myself. Actually no, you never let anyone redeem themselves!" She shouted. I rolled my eyes and tried to speed walk over to my room, yet she still followed.
"You didnt let Tommy redeem himself, or your friends, or mum!" She screamed. I groaned out loud as I wiped my face, trying to block her out.
"Honestly, fuck off back to your perfect life! Don't let us drag you down!" I slammed my bedroom shut and quickly locked it. She banged on my door and tried to wiggle the door handle, later giving up.

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