Chapter 3 - The Party

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Elise ran a curling iron through my hair as I stared at myself in the mirror

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Elise ran a curling iron through my hair as I stared at myself in the mirror. I wiped some lip gloss off my face and I caught a glimpse of Elise's dress, that showed off her tattoo.

"You think it's too much?" I asked her worriedly, seeing all the makeup on my face

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"You think it's too much?" I asked her worriedly, seeing all the makeup on my face. She giggled and adjusted a curl onto my shoulder.
"Hey. You look gorgeous" she promised me.
"Oh and... don't kill me.. or move. But I invited Tommy" she said to me. My eyes widened and I went to move but I'd get burnt. She saw the disappointment on my face, through the mirror.
"Hey, you two gotta sort this situation out. You guys was inseparable as kids. Don't ruin it" she warned Me. I grumbled under my breath as I slumped on the stool.

I put a shirt on Riley and adjusted his hair while he ate some sushi I bought him so he'd stay still. He happily ate it as I put a bow tie on him.
"There you are. Very handsome" I pecked his cheek and helped him down. I looked over at Dylan, who was across the room, and he gelled his hair and put on a leather jacket. I giggled and went over to help him. I viewed the state of his hair, so I grabbed a brush beside me and helped him style it out.
"Thanks" he chuckled.
"Anytime" I replied.

I leaned on the island as people started to fill the house. Mum was having her cheek caressed and was being whispered sweet nothings from Carver, while they both held drinks in their hands.
"Sup bitch" Elise came up behind me and held out a drink to me, that I took off her.
"Vodka and coke. Just say it's coke if anyone asks" she smirked. I smiled back at her and took a sip as I looked around the area for Dylan and Riley. Riley was talking to some family friends while Dylan was talking to his friends he brought over.
"Hey... relax" Elise nudged me playfully, seeing me stress.
"When Tommy and my therapist are going to be in the same room? Ha" I replied with.
"Oh little sister" she kissed my cheek, making us both smile. Mum loudly giggled, catching both of our attention.
"I think I'm going to throw up" Elise whispered in my ear, seeing Carver press his hand against our mums ass.
"Oh, I just did" I took a gulp of my drink and walked off.

I sat on the couch and I heard someone come behind me. Then, Tommy came into my view. He didn't really dress up, he just put a denim jacket over himself. We just stared at each other as he we thought of what to say to each other. He sat down beside me and it was so awkward I wanted to die.
"Hi" He said to me awkwardly. I gave him a slight wave and drank more of my drink.
"You look nice" he complimented. I looked down at my dress and adjusted my curls.
"It's just something I threw together" I nervously chuckled and he smirked at me.
I shot my head over to see Elise motioning me to come over.
"Excuse me" I said to Tommy as I rushed over, god Elise you're a life saver. Elise gave me a bright smile as she stood beside someone who had grey hair, a clean face, deep hazel eyes and a suit... oh, a suit... and he was rather charming.
"Grace, this is Dr. Lecter" Elise smiled. I looked over at him and it was clear I was nervous. He held his hand out to shake, with a warm smile on his face and I shook his hand. He had rough hands and a firm grip. His hands were mesmerising almost. His eyes fell on the bandages on my hand, but quickly looked away.
"It's good to finally meet you, Miss. Brooke. I hope our time together is useful" he said to me. He had some sort of accent on him, it was calming to listen to. Elise saw me just staring at him plainly, so she snapped me out of it.
"Grace here... is funny with new people" Elise clasped her hands together and I glanced over at her again. Dr. Lecter looked down at Elise to direct what he was about to say, to her.
"I understand perfectly well" he promised her, then he looked at me again, analysing me. I felt so vulnerable With this man in front of me, I'm not sure why but I feel... embarrassment?
"Shall we get to know each other?" He asked me.
"Oh, sure... follow me" I lead him to the garage, since nobody will really wanna go there. I opened up the door and turned on the light, which is what I wish I did yesterday, and I sat down on the same crate as yesterday. Dr. Lecter walked in slowly and shut the door behind him. He pulled a crate closer to mine and he sat down, looking around the garage.
"Your fathers creations?" He asked me, looking over at the workshop.
"Oh.. yea. It just collects dust now. We don't know what to do with it" I exclaimed to him.
"May I?" He asked. I nodded my head at him and he walked over and viewed my fathers unfinished pieces.

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