Chapter 5: UA High

Start from the beginning

He walked over with the rest of his group entering battleground B. The whole group of people looked like a bunch of extras to Katsuki, even if they weren't he didn't really care. He got ready, doing that strange stretch that he always used before any exercise. After he got a sufficient stretch he put his arms behind his back in a semi-Naruto run stance. The loud bell rang causing everyone to start running towards the robots. Katsuki zoomed off using his explosions to propel him faster. Although keeping track of his points would have been a good thing to do, Katuski was more focused on defeating as many robots as possible, meaning there was no more space to keep track of it. Defeating one robot after another, Katsuki was in the zone destroying them right as he comes across them. The speed that he had allowed him to get places faster, making it so that he could defeat more robots in total. After a while, there was another loud noise that indicated that the exam had finished. Even though he didn't know his score, there was one thing he did know. He beat up a ton of robots.

He left UA around 4:30 PM (16:30) making his way back home. The walk was a little over 30 minutes but he made it in good time, having good pacing meant he made it in 22 or so minutes. When he made it to the yard of his, knowing Izuku he knew that he had planned something as a congratulation. He took a deep breath before opening the door being 'surprised by his parents, Inko, and Izuku standing there shouting out congratulations. Izuku walked over to him hugging Katsuki tightly. There was still a little bit of time before dinner where he had to share everything with the parents so Izuku and Katsuki went upstairs, wanting some alone time. The two laid down in bed, getting into a good cuddling position. "So what happened? How's UA?" Izuku asked enthusiastically wanting to know how everything was. "I'll tell you when we go down for dinner kay?" Katsuki replied looking at the smaller male watching as he pouted and nodded his head ever so slightly.

Katsuki chuckled, turning on the TV to watch a show before they had to go down, still tired from all of the examinations.  The two got called down for dinner, reluctantly getting up the two traveling back downstairs sitting down at the table. "So, what happened?" Mitsuki asked Katsuki passing him his food. Katsuki put his hands together muttering "itadakimasu (いただきます)" (they say that before eating 👍talking about his examinations in between bites of his ramen. Katsuki talked about how he had obliterated every robot in his path, most definitely getting the top in the exams. After finishing his food he put his hands together again saying, "gochisou sama deshita (ごちそうさまでした)" (I know you probably don't care about it but I put the English and Japanese version because why not?) He excused himself from the table walking to his room to get some needed rest after the long day. 

Izuku entered the room shortly after to check up on how Katsuki was doing. "If you haven't already make sure to stretch, we don't want you having tight muscles do we?" he said heading over to where Katuski was hugging him. He could tell that Katsuki was still tense and nervous about how he did. "I know you did great Kacchan," he said giving the taller male and quick kiss trying to relax him just a little. The results for whether or not he got in would be coming in about a week so there was a lot of time to think about things. Seeing that Katsuki was still tense Izuku looked back up at him, "Wanna watch something?" he asked hoping to ease the blonde's nerves. Katsuki could tell what Izuku was doing and nodded, stiffly walking toward the bed lying down and handing Izuku the controller, not wanting to choose anything. 

Izuku took the controller and put on one of the All Might movies like always. Around the quarter mark of the movie they paused and got ready for bed. Once completed they turned the movie back on and cuddled, ignoring the movie entirely they ended up falling asleep. The next week was fairly normal, Izuku took Katsuki out more places to keep his mind off of UA for now. Their time together flew by and soon enough Katsuki was getting his results. Seeing the paper he and Izuku ran upstairs to see what he had gotten. The Katsuki tried to open the envelope but he was too nervous. He handed it to Izuku having him open it in his place. Izuku giggled seeing that the blonde was nervous. He opened the letter like it were some kind of chips bag, the circular hologram falling on the bed next to them. 

The hologram detected the fact that it had been taken out of its previous containment area (the letter) and turned on with a blip. Katsuki turned his attention toward the screen seeing as a small mouse in a big chair was on the screen. Izuku was watching next to him, "Kacchan that's hero Nezu! He's the principal of UA" he said his eyes sparkling. "I know who he is don't worry," he said ruffling Izuku's dark green curls. Nezu started talking through the hologram and it was amazing. The two were blown away by the fact that they were communicating with UA's principal through a hologram, it wasn't even a prerecorded message it was in real-time. Nezu continued to congratulate Katsuki, telling him that he had been that top student in the exam. With that, he already knew he would be in hero course 1-A. After the hologram shut off the two sat there in silence for a little bit. "You got 1st Kacchan! Great job I'm really proud of you," he said snuggling into Katsuki's arm. "Of course I got the top, I always win" he exclaimed as if pushing off the compliment. What Izuku couldn't see was that Katsuki's tail was wagging relieved and happy that he had done so well.

Both Izuku and Katsuki are starting a new chapter in their life, high school. It was going to be much more difficult than middle school. How will those first few days work out? Find out in the next chapter. 

(Hi everyone! I'm hoping to get these out on a weekly or so basis but my school's back up again so I'm not sure what my schedule will be just yet. I wrote half of this tonight. it's currently 1:30 AM and my computer is telling me that it's dying but I'm writing this anyway. Thank you for all of the support so far. How do you think their first experience of high school will be? Go ahead and comment (only if you want to) See you in the next chapter ^^)

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