When We Speak

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It's a horn that drags me back from the stance I was frozen in. I remember what Zillah said about the horn, that it signals the start of the meetings. I find my way back to the table and immediately find myself looking for Joshua. 

Joshua Lightbook. I gulp and sit next to him, avoiding his face. The Ligthbooks are the ones responsible for why Shadows live in poverty. And now a Lightbook is leading a rebellion. In front of me is an olive green quill and parchment. I am supposed to be taking notes for the Lightbook seat, for Joshua. 

It is then I realize he is also a Councillor, a part of the six greatest families in all of Lano. Joshua stands up as everyone finishes shuffling about. "I call this meeting to order." He says. I feel his eyes on mine and he knows that I know.

The Lightbooks are always the ones to lead meetings after all. 

"Does anyone have any proposals for new orders of business?" He asks, looking at any of the other ten people in the room beside me. That's fine. I don't want any Lightbook ever looking at me.

Councillor Zachariah stands up. "I propose the new law about enforcing more Lawkeepers used to segregate Shadows from Suns. We need to keep our children out of the Shadow's world and in our own."

Joshua sighs and presses his lips together. "Does anyone second the motion?" He asks.

I feel my nails go into my skin as Amenis seconds the law. A thrum of energy rises in my chest. My Shadow powers want out and they want to destroy her. I wouldn't be very disappointed if they lost control.

Joshua gently closes his eyes, almost as if he doesn't want to see how prejudiced, how evil the Suns are. I wonder how he was able to be a beam of goodness in the rubble. "Arguments in favor." Zachariah raises his hand. "I recognize Councillor Pero," Joshua grumbles.

"My fellow Councillors, our great families have been chosen to rule this great nation with the task of keeping the citizens safe. We found that with an onslaught of immigrants from the barbaric Shadowlands, we had to encounter an entirely new species. This new wave of power matched our own and soon would've been able to take over the country if we hadn't stepped in and segregated the two powers. We've lived in safety, until a few days ago." He says it like a true orator and I realize for the first time just how dangerous the Pero family might be. Everyone else at the table is listening, except for me. I am too caught up in my anger.

The Pero boy continues. "A few days ago, in the Rook marketplace. The highest Shadow population in the entire country, a Sun man was nearly killed by a child. That child was arrested and put in prison, but not before she escaped under unknown circumstances. What we have feared is coming true, the rebellion is happening. The civil war is coming. The only thing we can do is try to stop it. The evidence of the Inferno existing is too much. we must stop the Shadows, we must enforce the restrictions to keep our families safe."

People in the room begin to clap. I'm too angry, my face is hot, even I can feel it. Zachariah sits down, smugly. He's smiling.

That's when I slam my fist down on the table. "Are you crazy?" I ask and laugh. 

Joshua looks at me. "Out of order-"

"Shut it," I say. "You all are mental! If you don't want people to rebel don't force them into poverty and jails without a fair trial! The only thing that's going to do is push for Shadows to take action. They don't want to live a life dictated by you. Let them be. What about last summer when that Shadow boy was killed? The Suns didn't do anything about it. If I could change so that everyone I cared about would be safe? I'd do it! I'd do it."

No one responds and I stand there, my fist on the table, heaving from all the yelling I've just done. Amenis and Zachariah are both glaring at me, their eyes ablaze and I realize just how much I've messed up.

I sit down and remind myself that I have to become friends with them. To get to the Shadowlands, but with their faces in anger, I know I'm past that.

Darn it.

Hellooooo again. Lily, here. LOL, this is my second chapter in one day. I've just been so bored I guess, so why not upload on Wattpad? This chapter is only like 800 words though. Do you guys like longer chapters or shorter chapters? Tell me in the comments! Also, did you know we're soooo close to 100 votes? Please vote on this chapter!! Let's make it to 100!

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