What the fuck I'm not getting married not to this dick.

"No!" I yelled at him "love, you don't have a choice" he came back in and before I could say anything smashes his lips against mine.

I push his chest because I couldn't breath and finally he breaks the kiss to breath and he goes in the bedroom and comes back in with some ripped jeans and a sweat shirt.

"If your not out in 5 minutes changed I will change you myself love" and he kisses my forehead and leaves closing the door behind him.

I quickly got changed and brushed my hair and looked in the mirror and checked how I looked and exited the bathroom.

I saw Antonio laying on his bed looking  at his phone smirking "your lucky you had 20 seconds" he said and turned his phone around and I saw a timer that had 20 seconds left.

"Come on love we are going shopping but first let's get you something to eat" he says and leads me down the stairs into the dinner hall. Then I saw all the men sitting at the table and Antonio's seat and a seat next to him empty.

They hadn't touched the food and all stood up when they saw Antonio. I saw the maids all standing against the walls waiting to be summoned.

I saw the blonde bitch give me the bitchiest face I've ever seen. I followed Antonio to his seat and he said "sit" to me and I sat in the empty chair next to his and he sits.

He then says "please take a seat" Antonio says and all his men sat down and started eating.

I was the only girl at the table which made me quite uncomfortable.

Everyone else was deep in conversation and eating but u was the only one with nothing on there plate. I wasn't planning on eating even though the smell of the eggs and pancakes was tempting.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my thigh and which was Antonio. He then whispers in my ear "eat love" he then fished up some pancakes on my plate and a egg.

I reluctantly started to eat and I saw Antonio smirk and he started eating again and joined a conversation  but his hand was still holding tightly on my thigh.

While eating silently I felt Antonio's hand going higher up my thigh. I look over at him and he was still talking like nothing was happening.

"Are you alright sweetheart" a man next to me says he must have seen my shocked face. When he said that he caught Antonio's attention "she's fine" Antonio says and holds my inner thigh tightly.

"Okay sorry boss" the man says and started talking to the man next to him.

I had finished my breakfast and I was full then I jumped when Antonio leaned over and whispers "you still hungry love?" In my ear.

I shake my head (no) and he nods and finished eating and gets up moving his hand of my thigh and finding my hand and holding it tightly.

He walks out the hall and then leads me to a Lamborghini fuck he is rich as fuck.

He opens my door for me and I get in and he puts my seat belt on me "I can do it myself I'm not 5" I say and he smirks and closes my door and goes round the car into his side of the car.

He starts the car and puts his hand on my thigh again while driving.

We get to the shopping centre and he leads me in "we're would you like to go first love?" He asks me.

I see a lingerie store and run over to it like a little child. "Aw you want to buy it for me for tonight?" He asks and I just go with it and nod.

"I'll let you in to pick I'll be outside don't try anything love" and he kisses my forehead and I enter the the shop.

I was looking through some red ones when I see ash. WHAT THE FUCK WAS ASH DOING IN A LINGERIE SHOP.

"Ashton william Davis" I yell at him and he turns around and see me and runs up to me and hugs me.

"Ellie we're have you been you've been missing your parents have put up thousand of pound to whoever finds you." He says wait my parents are trying to find me I though that hated me.

"Never mind that I don't have much time why are you in a lingerie store" I question him and he looks down.

"It's for my girlfriend okay" he says and I just up and down and start laughing "Ooooo" I laugh at him and jump up in his arms and he catches me and I had my eggs irbid his waist.

Ash was my best friend since we were 3 and people always shipped us that I hated.

"Ellie!" I heard a angry Antonio say behind me I jump of ash and he storms towards us and grabs his gun out of his pocket.

"WHO THE FUCK IS HE ELLIE" Antonio yells at me I was fucking scared "I'm her best friend who are you" ash says as he pushes me behind him.

Ash was very protective and won a lot of fights and I think he thinks he can beat Antonio he has no chance. "Little boy your very brave for standing in front of a gun now give me her and you will survive a little longer" Antonio says.

"WHO ARE YOU" ash yells at him "I'm her fiancé NOW GIVE ELLIE TO ME NOW" he yells at him.

It was then I remember the gun Antonio gave me and I carry it everywhere and I got it out my pocket and pony it at Antonio and walk past ace and stand In front of him.

"Ellie what are you doing" ash says to me "Antonio he means no harm in not trying to get away I promise just leave him alone" I say and hold the gun firmly in my hand.

"Fine let's go Ellie" Antonio said and lowers his gun and puts it in his pocket and I do the same and we go to leave. "Ellie don't levee I only just got you back" he says and I could feel Antonio glaring at me.

"I have to go ash we will see each other again have fun tonight" I say to him and wink and we leave the shop.

Izzy x

Hey thank you for everyone who red this far!

This is not checked so if there is any mistakes I apologise x

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