Chapter 18

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AN: I do focus on Ghirahim's view on feelings and the way Demise has brainwashed him into thinking love does not exist and how that affects his thinking for his relationship with Link as well as his conflicting feelings about Link and love.

It was extremely hot, I could tell this wasn't going to be easy by the interior in front of me. I used my slingshot which I had upgraded to the Scattershot to knock down a fruit like thing that fell into the lava gap that was blocking my path, the fruit bursted open and the water inside made a platform for me to cross over to the other side. Ahead was a bigger lava stream that I used a water fruit to ride a platform to the next area that brought me to fight some Bokoblins which led to a chest, I found a small key inside that I could open the door below me with.

As I got to the door, a mogma popped out of the ground and I'm sure he was familiar. "Ho ho.....Ahhh! The exit at last.... Whoa! Don't scare me like that! I thought you were one of those monster creeps! Oh, hey, what's this? You got yourself a swanky pair of Digging Mitts, don'tcha? Who are ya, anyway? Whatcha doing here?" I shrugged my shoulders. "On a quest! What are you doing here?" He hummed. "Hmmm.... I getcha. Huh? Me? Oh yah, the name's Guld. I'm the big boss of the Mogmas. Those Digging Mitts you got right there....I invented 'em! ..... No offence, pal, but you don't look like the kinda guy I'd send in here on a treasure-huntin' mission..... But what do I know.... Ya might just surprise me.

So here's the deal.... Word in the tunnels is there's a huge treasure hidden in these here ruins.... But nobody who's ever seen it has come back to tell the tale. Countless treasure hunters have disappeared in here! Poof! Gone. As a treasure digger, I gotta warn you to just turn around and enjoy the many peaceful years of diggin' left to you, but...." "Pretty much." I snarked a little, this guy was wasting my time. He shrugged. "Alright then, but you're not gonna live to tell the tale."

I rolled my eyes and walked away, that was a waste of time. I opened the lock door with the key and I was now outside and this place was bigger than I expected. This wasn't going to be easy at all.

After loads of water fruit bursting puzzles, fighting new enemies, massive lava hands and saving a Mogma from certain death. I got Mogma Mitts which I was able to mow burrow deep below ground now that help a lot with puzzles and new pathways. I wasn't joking this place is hard, big and complicated but I had made my way through to a room with that familiar white chest that I had to do some above and below ground puzzles to access but finally I have carving that was made of up of faintly glowing square crystals. Several were missing though but I'm sure it would be alright to open the big door anyway.

I made my way to the door, fitting the carving into the slot and opening the door. I held a breath as it opened, not knowing what awaited me inside. I walked into the room and was greeted by a large ornamental room with carvings all over the walls and door which closed behind me loudly. I looked in front of me as I heard a familiar but heart racing chuckle. Ghirahim stood with his back to me in his crimson cloak, turning around and smirking. "Oh, hello there, Link. I see you're still among the living. Fancy meeting you here." He chuckled.

Ghirahim's POV
I chuckled to myself and smiled as the cute hero walked in to the large room, he was pretty impressive to have it this far I must admit, although he is trying to stop me resurrecting my master I couldn't shake this stupid feeling inside of me.......

That I......liked him? No that couldn't possibly be right. I find attractive, of course but there are no feelings. Master told me thatI am not capable of those stupid things. Even if I was, they wouldn't mean anything, there is only sexual feelings that could lead to a fling. Nothing else exists. Master said so and well I don't think he could be wrong, could he?

Anyway I don't have time to ponder non-existing things such as love. I have a battle to fight with my cute hero. My cute hero? No, definitely no feelings. "We seem to bump into each other time and time again. Oh it's no coincidence though, is it? You and I, we're bound by a thread of fate." I told him, realising what I just said but letting show on my face. Was it fate, or was it my desire to see Link's cute puffed up angry face time and time again? Ha, only to see his face contorted in pain, it's not as it hurts to see him hurt or anything. I gulped but only to myself to make sure Link couldn't see my moment of weakness.

I gestured grandly to the wall above me with sacred drawings on them. "Look at these drawings! Until I found these, I was..... upset about that little stunt the goddess's guard dog pulled at the Gate of Time. What was that twig's name again? Impa? Well, never mind that, because these drawings suggest the existence of a second gate of time. This news just filled my heart with rainbows!" Despite, master said I didn't have a heart. "I've been a busy boy, searching here and there and everything for another Gate of Time." I disappeared and appeared again not far from Link at the other side of the room.

"And yet, I couldn't even find a single clue. Since I know I can be honest with you, I'll admit I got a little sulky. It was frowns all around." I told him disappearing again and appearing atop of the drawings. "The thought of never getting my hands on that darling young girl again was.... Well, more than I could bear." I faced the away from Link, the thought of seeing him again at each encounter made happy? No, It made me..... I don't know what it made me, could it be happiness? No! Master said I couldn't be happy, I wasn't supposed to be. I was a servant, I didn't deserve happiness and Master knows best doesn't he?

"But then..." I jumped down and crept behind Link grabbing my the shoulders. He smelt good, and his soft hair was tickling my hands. Damn, Ghirahim focus. "Then I found this place! The prospect of a second Gate of Time has made me more positively giggly." He tried to slash me with his sword out of frustration but missed as I disappeared and reappeared in front of him. "That girl.... Your adorable friend.... She will be instrumental in bringing about the revival of my master. And though I fear she was now quite beyond my reach, I despair no longer!" Burying my feelings and thoughts, I smirked evilly. "But before we talk further on that subject, there's still the outstanding matter of your punishment, Link. Do you remember when I told you that the next time we met, I'd make your ears bleed from the sound of your own screams? Well, I've been thinking.... Perhaps corporal punishment is a touch harsh. I might be willing to forgive and forget if you'll strike a deal."

He scoffed. "Why would I ever make a deal with you?" I kept my expression strong but inside I wanted to sigh and walk up to him and give him a reason to make a deal with me and just.....kiss him. I swallowed. What was wrong with me? Why was I feeling like this? All I could ever think about the smug little hero and how good I could be to him instead of having to do this torture. But I had to do this.... For master.....

"Well, all I ask is that you tell me where I can find the other Gate of Time. That's not too much to ask, is it? Oh, and don't you play coy with me, I know that you know, so why don't you just tell me?" Come on Link, I don't want to hurt you anymore, I don't want to play this chase game anymore where we meet, we fight and depart. I wish I could help you, I wish I could be on your side. He raised his sword and shield and the fight began.

The Red Thread of Fate (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz