Chapter 7

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On my path to the temple I saw up ahead a familiar face. "Now there's a face I know. Hey bud!" It was Gorko, again. " It tell you, your timing could not have been better. Look here, I stumbled upon one of these things just now, and it looks just like something I have seen in those ancient texts!" He looked the left of us and there was a large cube with a crest on it just like the Statue of the Goddess back in Skyloft. "If I remember right... Yup, this one of the things the goddess was said to have left for the hero of legend." Oh, so I was supposed to stumble across it, considering it was meant for me. Of course, Gorko didn't know that. "Pretty amazing, right? I even thought up a name for these things. I have been calling them Goddess Cubes! Makes sense, right? Those ancient texts say some real interesting stuff about these things. How did it go again? Let me see, uh.... Summon forth the light from a heavenly blade, and may that sword's master receive aid. So there you have it. I see you got yourself a sword there, What do you say we try and crack the mystery of the cube together?"

I said no to him last time, so I decided to give him a chance and told him I would help. "Hey! Thanks a billion, bud!" I walked up the cube and, using a Skyward Strike I swung at it and then it glowed, and then shot up into the air disappearing. "WHOOOA! Did you see that?! The cube just shot up into the sky! I think it reacted to that whirly-beam thing that shot out of your sword. And where do you think the cube shot off to, anyway? The mystery just got a whole lot more, uh, mysterious! The texts say there are cubes like that one all over this land. Tell you what. You blast as many of those cubes as you can find. If you find out more about them along the way, you come see me." I nodded and walked the temple evading the gap and finding another Goddess Cube on the other side before adventuring into the temple.


This place was big....and dark. Fi popped out as we entered. "Master, I have bad news. The auras of many creatures reverberate throughout this temple. As a result, I can not isolate Zelda's aura. You will not be able to track her here. Given the situation, I suggest you look around to see where we should move next." Fi disappeared back into the sword and the only way I could go was down. I walked down a winding corridor from the entrance, there was a lot of cobwebs and bats blocking my path I managed to climb up some vines on the wall and found myself in a room with much more light.

I use my slingshot to break a mechanism that had locked the door ahead, I walked through the now unlocked door and I seemed to be in a main hub area room. This might take a while, there was a lot of locked and unlocked rooms I was going to have work my way through.


Keys, treasure chests, lots of doors and enemies later, I have obtained a strangely shaped gold sculpture which is covered in mysterious patterns. I saw a large sealed door up ahead that looking like the gold sculpture would fit in so I walked up to the door and examined it, it took a few twists and turns to try and get it to fit but sure enough it did and the large golden door opened. This is where Zelda's aura was so hopefully I find her here, if not I'll just have to keep looking until I do. I didn't know what lay beyond this corridor so I took a breath, braced myself and told myself I could do it, do it for Zelda as I walked in. Inside was a large round chamber like room. I looked around and the room itself was empty, there was a door ahead so that being the only way I could I started to walk towards it. A blinding white light appeared before me before I could get to the door. I held up my arm to shield my eyes from the bright light and a figure in white and red stood in front of me.

The figure who I could see was a man, held a long, thin black sword raising it above his head, growling irritated it seemed and the sword disappeared instantly in the shape of black diamonds. I gasped as they turned around and spoke. "Look who it is..." A deep, sarcastic, chilling voice spoke to me, I couldn't but think that this man was quite good looking, I didn't show it of course but I thought to myself I've always thought men more attractive than women and well only Zelda's knows that, Robert doesn't, I don't how I'd tell him but that was my problem right now as the handsome stranger spoke more I observed him. He was tall and slender with pale grey coloured skin and white hair that had a fringe covering the right side of his face so I could only see the left half. He had a blue diamond earring in his left ear, purple eyeliner underneath beautiful chocolate brown eyes and white lipstick. He was wearing a white bodysuit with a crimson red cloak wrapped around him, he looked elegant for an enemy.

He looked at me and smirked, "I thought that tornado I stirred up would have tossed and torn you apart, yet here you are. Not in pieces" He turned to look at the door. "Not that your life or death has any consequence." He sounded confident and I could tell he wasn't going to go down without a fight and not an easy one at that.

"It's just the girl that matters now, and I could sense her here... just beyond this door. Yes, we plucked Her Majesty from her perch in the clouds and now she's ours." I gasped as he spoke. "Oh, but listen to me. I'm being positively uncivil. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the Demon Lord who presides over this land you look down upon, this world you call the surface. You may call me Ghirahim. In truth, I very much prefer to be indulged with my full title: Lord Ghirahim. But I'm not fussy. " I slowly drew my sword as this guy may be handsome but I had no idea what he was capable of. He chuckled and bit a comment. "Did you really just draw your sword? Foolish boy." Ghirahim turned back to me with a smirk. "By all rights the girl should have fallen into our hands already." He started to ball up his fist as he spoke with venomous low tone. "She was nearly ours when that loathsome servant of the goddess snatched her away." The room darkened. "Do you have any idea how that made me feel inside?"

He brought down his balled up fists in anger shouting in a loud, violent tone. "Furious! Outraged! Sick with anger!" He disappeared in a flurry of diamonds, I gasped and looked around me, looking for him. "This turn of events has left me with a strong appetite for bloodshed." I heard him chuckled as I still looked for him. I gasped, as saw his face right next to my ear, almost nuzzling my neck. I looked at him not moving a muscle and breathing as shallowly as I could even though my heart was racing inside. " seems hardly fair, being of my position, to take all of my anger out on you." He whispered in my ear. "Which is why I promise up front not to murder you...." I panted slowly as I could to not show my fear or even excitement that Ghirahim was so close to me. "No, I'll just beat you within an inch of your life!" I felt a tongue licked my ear and I backed away towards the door as he smirked looking at me. He chuckled and his cloak disappeared from his shoulders in a flurry of red and gold diamonds.

Ghirahim's POV

I chuckled as the cute little hero starting to try and fight me, drawing his little Goddess sword and weak looking shield. He try to slash me and I held out my hand using my magic to grab ahold of his sword and I watched him struggle. It was adorable. We did this back and forth and I'll admit he got a few slashes on me, he was maybe better than I thought but that was fine I'd like a partner with a bit of fight in him. We kept going and I knew the girl's presence had faded, meaning she was here no more I wanted to go and make sure she didn't go far. I needed to revive my master. As much as I'd love to stay and toy with this cute hero I had to end this messing about so I drew my own sword and made sure he knew I wasn't messing around anymore we fought sword to sword, I threw a few dagger with my magic at him to try and inflict some extra damage to get him to stop fighting and give up.

He managed to slash me a few more times, Impossible! This a child, he should not be hard to try and dispose of. I am a demon lord! As he slashed his sword yet again, I stood up growling and pointed my sword at him, starting to speak letting him know this fight was over.

Link's POV

I panted as Ghirahim stood back from me pointing his sword and beginning to speak. "Well.....You put up more of a fight than I thought possible out of such a soft boy." He chuckled, I tried not to blush and just looked at him. "But don't clap for yourself quite yet. That sword of yours is the only reason you still live. I fear I spent far too long teasing and toying with you. The girl's presence has all but faded from this place, which means there's no reason to linger here." So there was good news and bad news. I had bought Zelda time to get away whilst I fought with Ghirahim, keeping him here but now I don't where she was going next which meant she could still be in danger or get caught.

Ghirahim looked at me. "Good-bye, Sky child. Run and play this time. Get in my again, though, and you're dead." He winked at me as he chucked and drew his sword around himself disappearing in flurry of diamonds which seem to be a thing he did with both himself and objects. As soon as Ghirahim was gone I made a beeline for the door ahead it glowed and opened the way.

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