The story of Luca and Nora Chapter 9: Don't worry so much ok?

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< It's 2 days later since Nora's ex husband was shot and killed by Luca. The funeral is today and Nora is there with her son to say goodbye to her sons father. She's next to the casket with her son in her arms. She puts a white rose on the casket and her son does the same>

Nora: Go ahead baby, you can put it there..

< Her son does it and looks at his mommy, he doesn't understand what's going on yet>

Nora: Good job baby.. Are you gonna say goodbye to daddy?

Son: Goodbye daddy..

< Nora holds him tight and hugs him when she sees Luca standing further away. He nods his head like he's saying it's ok. Nora smiles and walks up to him, she says to her son to go to his aunt>

Nora: Baby, you go to auntie ok? I need to talk to that man ok?

Son: Ok mommy..<runs away>

Nora: Hey you, what are you doing here?

Luca: I.. euh.. wanted to say< he can't find his words>

Nora: Wanna say what? <she smiles>

Luca: That i'm so sorry, i didn't mean to..

Nora: I know.. i know.. it's ok.

Luca: How are you feeling and doing?

Nora: I'm ok..<looks at her son playing with his aunt> I know it's maybe weird to be here after all he's done but we had good times to and he  is the father of my son..

Luca: Look Nora, you don't have to explain yourself ok? Maybe it's weird what i'm about to say..

Nora: But?

Luca: I'm so sorry for your loss..

Nora: Thank you.. You're sweet!

< She looks at Luca and leans over and they french kiss for the first time>

Luca: I..i'm so sorry, this is inappropiate..

Nora: Hey! Don't worry so much ok? I started it.

<Luca blushes>

Nora: Hey can i tell you something?

Luca: Yeah ofcourse.

<Nora's son runs up to this mommy>

Son: Mummy! Mummy!

< Looks at her son and than to Luca>

Nora: Hey baby!

Son: Who's that? That's not daddy!

< He runs away again>

Nora: Luca, i'm so sorry about that, he doesn't really understand what's going on.

Luca: It's ok, i get it. He's young. But what did you wanna say?

Nora: Luca.. i.. i like you a lot..<blushes and looks at Luca>

Luca: I like you 2..

< They look at each other and smile>

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