The story of Luca and Nora Chapter 6: I'm scared..

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< Nora is sitting on her couch near the window and she's reading some texts she got from Luca and smiles until the bullets come flying trough the window, she takes cover and calls Luca. He answers and hears gunshots>

Nora: Lucaaaaa i'm under fire, help!

Luca: Take cover nora! Take your son and hide in the bathroom, we'll be there in 5!

Nora: Please hurry

Luca: Stay on the phone with me ok?

< 5 min the team arrives with sirens and all geared up, Luca enters the house of Nora with his gun ready for possible suspects but the house is clear>

Luca: Nora? You ok? It's me Luca, it 's safe you can come out.

< Nora comes out carefully with her son in her arms and runs up to Luca, they hug and she breaks down>

Nora: I'm so sorry Luca!

< Luca holds Nora and her son in his arms>

Luca: Sorry for what?

Nora: Sorry for all the drama lately..

Luca: It's ok, you're safe now..

<Luca talks to Nora's son and Chris comes up to take her son so that they can talk>

Luca: Are you ok buddy? Can you with Chris here? Maybe she can show you a real policecar

Nora: Go ahead baby, go with Chris. I have to talk to this gentleman here ok?

Son: Ok mommy!

< Luca looks back at Nora, she's al shaken up and still crying>

Luca: Are you ok Nora?

Nora: I'm ok, thanks for asking

Luca: Do you have any idea who might be behind this?

Nora: I've a idea who it might be..

Luca: Who is it?

Nora: I can't tell you.. i don't want you to get hurt too.

Luca: You NEED to tell me Nora! It ended up ok today but clearly someone wants you dead. Next time you might be not so lucky..

Nora: I'm scared Luca..

Luca: That's why you need to tell me what's going on!

Nora: It's my ex, my sons father. We have a lot of problems lately. He wants his son back but he can't due to domestic violence charges and clearly i'm in his way..<cries>

Luca: Hey hey.. it's ok. You're safe now, i'm not gonna let anything happen to you anymore ok? I'm glad you told me but we need to tell Hicks and we need to get you into a safe place.

Nora: And onces again you saved me..<smiles, a tear runs down her face. Luca wipes it off and smiles back>.

Luca: I'm glad i can do this for you..

Nora: You know you're a real special man Luca!< looks intensely to him>

Luca: Euh.. Thank you.

Nora: Hey Luca can i ask you something?

Luca: Ofcourse

Nora: I really don't want to be alone tonight, can you maybe stay with me?

<Luca smiles and nods his head>

Luca: I think i can do that.
I can ask Street if you can stay at our place?

Nora: If it's not to much trouble?

< Texts Street, and Street is staying at Chris her place so Street approves>

Luca; Well Street is not home tonight so you can stay with me.

<After finishing up at Nora's place and everything is done, they leave to Luca's place. Nora's son stays with his grandparents>

Luca: Welcome to my cosy place

Nora: I love it. Thank you for letting me stay.

Luca: You're welcome, i rather have you here that i can protect you.

Nora: You're so sweet..

Luca: You can sleep in my bed, i'll sleep on the couch ok.

Nora: No the couch is fine for me..

Luca: You don't think i let you sleep on the couch

<smiles and looks at him, she leans over and kisses him and he kisses her back>

Nora: Euhm i think it's time to go to sleep

Luca: Yeah euh.. sweet dreams.

Nora: Thank you..

<In the middle of the night Nora wakes up to get some water and she sees Luca sleeping on the couch and she smiles and speaks softly>

Nora: You're so special..

The story of Luca and Nora chapter 2: I'm ok..Where stories live. Discover now