The story of Luca and Nora Chapter 7: You're the guy who makes a girl feel safe.

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< It's the morning after Nora staying at Luca's place. Nora is still sleeping because she had a restless night. Luca takes a sneak peek into the bedroom and sees Nora peacefully sleeping. He wants to make her breakfast in bed, after he is done, he walks in quite not to wake her up. He walks out of the bedroom and hears Nora wake up>

Nora: Hey..Goodmorning.

Luca:< turns around> hey.. goodmorning. Sorry didn't mean to wake you up.

Nora: It's ok, don't worry about it. I'm just glad i could stay the night.

Luca: Did you sleep ok?

Nora: Mwah kind off, a bit restless but eventually i fell a sleep. How about you on the couch?

Luca: I slept fine <smiles>

<Nora sees the tray with breakfast on it>

Nora: Wow is that for me?

Luca: Yeah..

Nora: You didn't have to do that! You're sweet. And it's enough for the both of us i think. <smiles and looks at Luca>

Luca: Enjoy your breakfast<walks out>

Nora: Hey.. there is more than enough, maybe you wanne join me?

Luca: I..i don't know..

Nora: Come on, it's ok.

Luca: Ok.. <he joins Nora in bed>

Nora: Wait let me use the toilet first, i'll be right back.

<She walks out with only underwear on, when she walks out, Luca can't help to watch her walk away in her underwear and a beautiful body. When she comes back she crawls in bed with Luca. Luca is to shy to look at her>

Nora: Well let's eat! I'm hungry! We can watch a movie maybe? <looks at Luca>

Luca: We can do that..< he feels kinda weird sitting next her while she is just in her underwear>

Nora: <looks at him> You can relax now, it's ok.

Luca: Ok <smiles>

<Nora snuggles up to him and puts his arm around her so she can lay on his chest>

Nora: Thank you Luca <looks at him>

Luca: Thank you for what?

Nora: For being the kind of guy that makes a girl feel safe again.

Luca: You're welcome

< They share an intense eye contact moment and the snuggle and watch the movie when Nora falls a sleep. He tries to move out of the bed but she is hugging him so he stays and falls a sleep to with her in his arms. The door opens and Street comes home>

Street: Yo Luca are you home?

< He walks up Luca's bedroom and sees him and Nora all snuggled up sleeping in each others arms. Street smiles and walk up to the livingroom. Luca and Nora wake up and get out of bed to go to the livingroom when they see Street>

Street: Well good afternoon you 2! <winks and smiles>

Luca: Street! Euh.. i didn't hear you come home..<Nora is behind Luca>

Street: I can understand why<smiles>
Hey Nora!

Nora: .. hey... Street..

< They all laugh and smile in this akward moment>

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